Thomas Measures of Old Dalby 1635 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, PR/T/1635/29
In the name of God Amen The Eleventh day of February 162 [last digit missing, top corner folded over] I Thomas Measures of Dalby on the Woulds in the County of Leic Clerk Sick in body but whole & perfect in memory (Thanks be to God) do make my last will & Testament in maner & forme following
First I bequeath my soule to Allmighty God my maker & Redeemer by whom I trust to be saved and by none other maner, And my body to be buryed in the Church or Churchyard in Dalby aforesaid
Ite I give & bequeath to my Sonne Thomas Measures fyve pounds of lawfull money of England to be payde to hym within one whole yeare next after my decease
All the rest of my goods Cattells & Chattles whatsoever I give & bequeath to my loving wief Luce [?] Measures [about five words lost in a fold] and tyme of her widdowhood And yf yt happen that shee marry agayne & change her name, Then my will ys That my Sonne Thomas Measures shall enter uppon the moyetie or half parte of my said goods att any tyme after one month then next following Provided alwaies & nevertheless the trew intent & meaning of this my will ys that my sayd wyfe uppon the spirit of this my will shall become bounde unto my sonne Thomas in a sufficient bonde with Condicon That if shee marry agayne she shall delyver unto hym the moyitie and half of my said goods [about eight words lost in a fold] or otherwise to make hym satisfaccon for the same according to the Inventory that shalbe taken of them
And if my said wief shall refuse so to doe That then yt shalbe lawfull to & for my said Sonne Thomas as Executor of this my will to enter Joyntly with my wief uppon my said goods and have the moyities thereof ymediately after my death to his owne proper use & behoofe Any thing herein before to the Contrary thereof notwithstanding
And I doe make and Constitute my said wief and my sonne Thomas Executors of this my last will & Testament And have hereunto put my hand in the presence of these wittnesses
Thomas Measures
Richard Hopkynson
Henre Wood