Catherine Moore of Holwell 1603 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/225/63
In the name of God Amen The fourth daie of September the yeare of our Lord God 1603 and in the first yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England France & Ireland Kinge Defender of the faith &c & of Scotland the xxxviith I Katherin More of Hollwell in the Countye of Leic Widowe beinge of whole mynde & in good & perfect remembrance praised be god therefor make & ordaine this my present Testament conteyninge therein my last will in maner & forme followinge
First I comende my Soule into the hands of Almightie god maker of heaven & earth &c and by body to be buried in the Churchyard of Abkettlebye &c
Item I geve to my Sonne Nicholas More so much corne as will serve to sowe his yard land at this next seede tyme namely Rye, Barlie & pease
Item I geve to Richard More my sonn vi li to be paid him one yeare after my decease
Item I geve to Mathewe More my sonne xiid
Item I geve to Elizabeth More my daughter xxx li
Item I geve to Sarah More my daughter xxx li uppon this condition that shee be ruled & followe the advise of Thomas Booth my brother & John More my sonne in her mariage, but if she refuse to be ruled by them, then shee shall have but xx li & the other x li shalbe geven to my daughter Elizabeth More
Itm I geve to Nicholas my daughter Jone her sonne when he shall come to the age of xxi yeares v li
Item I geve to everie one of my daughters already married one sheepe a peece, & to everie one of the daughters children one sheepe a peece, & to Everatt Bealie one yewe sheepe
All the rest of my goods unbequeathed (my debtes payed) I geve & bequeth them unto John More my sonne whome I make & ordaine the full & whole executor of this my last will & testament
Item I appoint my brother Thomas Booth & John Bealye to be overseers of this my last will
These being witnesses Thomas Neale vicar of Abkettlebye John Hurst thelder John Bealye & Thomas Booth
Probate 3 November 1603
The Inventorie of all the goods Cattaills & Debts of Katherin More of Holwell in the County of Leic Widowe late deceased praised by these men whose names followe viz John Hurst John Bealye John Holwell & Charles Molton the second daie of November 1603
First one Cupboard, one table, two fourmes, & all other wodden stuffe in the howse, prise | xxs |
Item all the Brasse & pewter | iii li vis viiid |
Itm the Coverleds & blanketts | liiis iiiid |
Itm iii mattrisses | xxs |
Itm x paire of sheetes with pillowbeares & board clothes | iii li vis viiid |
Itm pillowes & boulsters | xxs |
Itmm iiii bedsteds & v coffers | xxxxs |
Itm the cheeses with the cheese hec | xs |
Itm the try | vis viiid |
Itm all the ymplements in the Chamber | xiiis iiiid |
Itm in the kitchin the leade, tubs barrills with other brewinge vessel | xls |
Itm the Coales | xxxs |
Itm the Quernes | xs |
Itm the wood in the neate house & plowe tymber | xxs |
Item two hovells of wood with other woode in the yarde & lethers | xls |
Itm the hey & corne in the yard | l li |
Itm two Iron bound carts & six harrowes | vi li vis viiid |
Itm xl trees | xiis 4d |
Itm all the Cart geares & plowe geares with the plowes | xxs |
It the gavellock | xiid |
Itm viii horses & mares | xx li |
Itm xvii … | xxx li |
Itm [blank] sheepe | xx li |
Itm xv swine & the pullin | iii li vis viiid |
Itm one flick of Bacon | vs |
Sum | 152 li 18s 4d |
Exhibited 3 November 1603