George Moore of Scalford 1750 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1750/140
In the name of God Amen I Gorg Moor of Scalford in the County of Leister being weeke of body but of perfect memory & understanding prased be God there fore doe make this my Last Will and Testament In maner & forme following
First I bequeth my soule into the hands of Allmighty God hoping to bee save onely by the merits and mediation of his son Jesus Christ my body I bequeath unto the earth from whence it was taken decently to be Inteerd at the discretion of my executrix hopin for a ioyfull resurrection at the Comeing of our Lord Jesus Christ
And for that worldly Estate which God hath Lant mee I dispose of it as followeth
First I give unto my wife Ann Moore half my Stock to bring up my three ungest Children & the othere half I Give unto my Eldest Son William Moore Living with is mother but if hee Leafes her I Give half is part to is mother
And I forder Give to my Sun Gorg Moor fife pound to be paid be gust my Wife & my Eldest Sun William Moore
All the rest of my Goods Chatells & cattels bills bonds debts Dues demands whattever my debts being payd I give and be queath unto my wife Ann Moore & William Moore whom I make Sole Exctrix of this my Last will and testament
Gorg Moore mark
Signed sealed & published the 4 Dea of September 1750
Francis Hickling
William Willford
The Fifth day of October 1750 Anne Moore the Extrix within named was Sworn Power being for William Moore the Executor within named …
Before us Richard Grey