John Moore of Long Clawson 1584 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1584/26
In the name of god amen the xxith daye of December & in the xxvith yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth Quene etc I John More of Claxton in the countye of Leic husbandman being sicke in bodye but of perfecte memorye god be prayssed do make & ordayne this my last will & testament in manner & fourme followinge
First I bequeath my soule unto almightye god maker of al things visible & invisible assuring my selfe of eternall salvacon by a livelye fayth in Christe Jesus & my bodye to be buryed in the Churche yarde of Claxton
Itm I geve & bequeathe to the parishe Churche of the sayd Claxton xiid
Itm I will that Ellen my wyfe & Edward my sone shal have my farme with the Plowe & Carte & al things therto belonging
Itm I geve Ellen my wyfe & Edward my sone iiii Mares
Itm I geve to Francis my sone iiii li
Itm I geve to the sayd Francis iiii sheepe
Item to Robert my sone xxs iiii sheepe & one wheate land
Item to Thomas my sone xxs
Item to John my sone vs
Itm To William my sone xs
Itm to Agnes my daughter xxs & iiii sheepe
Itm to Margarett my daughter a Brynded Cowe & iiii sheepe
Itm to Dorothye my daughter one redde cowe & iiii sheepe
Itm to Mathis Streete my daughter vs
Itm to Ambrose & John Page one ewe
Itm to Alice Page vs
Itm to Robt & Francis my sones one Dune fillye
Itm to Ellen my wyfe al my househould stuffe
I do make Ellen my wyfe & Edwarde my sone my ful executors to whom I geve the reste of my goods unbequeathed and do make Richard Hubbard Supervisor hearof
Witnesses to this present will Richard Hubbard Robert Smarte Hewghe Fawkes with others
Debtts owing to the testator Willm Guye viiis
An Inventorye of al the goods mooveable & imooveable of John More late deceassed of Claxton in the countye of Leic husbandman taken & priced the xviiith daye of Maye ao dni 1584 by theis men underwritten
Mr Henry Poole, Thomas Bell & Hewghe Fawkes
Inprimis his pursse with his apparell | xiiis iiiid |
Itm iii mares with ii fillyes | vi li |
Itm iiii kyne | v li |
Itm xxvtie sheepe | v li |
Itm one wayne with the furniture | xxxs |
Itm Plowes, harrowes, & teames | xxs |
Itm one hovell with offal woodde | vs |
Itm xxiitie fleakes | vs |
Itm iii Ladders | iis |
Itm the croppe of corne & haye in the felde & Towne | xiii li vis viiid |
Itm brasse & puter | xls |
Itm one cubberde iii cheres one table with a furme and a dyshepen | vis viiid |
Itm Tubbes, Loomes, Peales, bowles, dishes, cofers & bedstiddes | xxs |
Itm one frying panne a brandiron a payer of tongues with the hinging hooks about the fyer | |
& ii hachetts | iiis |
Itm iii Pickforks ii dungeforks an Iron wedge a spitt & a payer of cobberds | iiis iiiid |
Itm viii coverledds ii mattrises ii Pillowes ii bowlsters & iiii cushins | xls |
Itm a parcell of newe wollen clothe | iis |
Itm eyght payer of sheetes ii Pillowberes one towel one table cloth ii napkins & the paynted clothes | xxxs |
Itm ii swine | ixs |
Itm chese & bakon | iiiis |
Itm the Pullen | iiiis |
Debtts owing to the testator Wm Guye | viiis |
Suma totalis | 41 li 13s |