John Moore of Long Clawson 1612 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/235/35
In the name of god amen the Twenteth day of August in the yere of our Lord god one Thousand six hundereth & Twylfe in the Tenth yere of the Raigne of our Soverand Lord James by the grace of god of England Franc and Ireland king defender of the faith &c and of Scotland the six and foreth I John Moore of Claxston in the Countye of Leicester yeoman being at the making hereof in health and of perfect memorye I thanke my god therefore do ordeane dispoos and make this my laste will and Tastatment in maner and forme following
Firste and prinsypally I comit and bequeath my soule and bodye into the protection of allmightye god my heavenlye father and Creator and unto the Infenet merties of his onelye sonne my Saviour and redemer Jesus Christ
Item my will is that my wife have the third of the oxgange of Land which I purchassed of Richard Stevens
Item I give unto Henrye Moore the tow parts of the same oxgange of land and after my wifes dessese then to have all the sayd oxgange of land and to have fife shillings of in full satisfacttion of his Childe parte and portion
I give to the poore Tenne shillings
I give unto James Moore twentye pounds of in full satisfacttion of his Childs parte and portion
I give unto Frances Moore Twentye pounds of in full satisfacttion of hir childs parte and portion
I give unto Jane Moore Twenty pounds of in full satisfacttion of hir Childs parte and portion
I give unto Anne Moore my yongeste daughter Twenty pounds of in full satisfacttion of hir Childs parte and portion
I give unto Elizebeth Garate one heffer of two yeres oulde of in full satisfacttion of hir Child parte and portion
I give unto Agnes Moore my wife forescore pounds to be devided at hir discretion amongste these fore Children James Moore Frances Moore Jane Moore and Anne Moore
I give unto John Garate my daughter sonne one sheepe hougde
And my will is that if my wife and my sonne Edward cannot agree then my will is that Agnes my wife shall have the third parte of all my lands and Comon meadow and Closing and my will is that my wife shall have all hir third parte of arable Land plowed and dressed and hir maner Lead of my sonne Edward and his heires as the doeth there one and allsoe shee shall have halfe the upper parller and to have a Chymnye mad of my sonne Edwards Charges and to have the Chamber over it deuring her natural life and all so Agnes my wife shall have in Lewe of her thirds of the goods all the howshould goods Linnynes and wollounes and brasse and puter and all the Chesses and Coffers and beadsteads one prasse one Cubbard
It my will is that my sonne Edward shall have all my goods movable and unmovable excepting the peaying my debts and Leagasses given by my will
Item my will is that the forescore pounds I have given to my wife be peade at such times as my overseeyers shall thincke meete
Item my will is that if anye of my Children dye before the Come to lawfull yeares of age then I will there part or parts so dieing shall remeaine to the sorviving Children to be equallye devided amongste them
And I ordaine and make my wife and my sonne Edward soule executors of this my laste will and Testamente
Item I give unto Anne Moore one fether bead
I ordaine and make George Lowe and John Wright my overseeyers hopping that the will seey the true execution of this my laste will and Testament
Probate Melton Mowbray 27 October 1612, executor and executrix sworn