John Moore of Ab Kettleby 1681 Will
Leicestershire Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1681/111
In the name of god Amen I John Moore of Abkettelby in the Countey of Leicester yeoman beeinge weake in bodey but of perfect minde and memorey praised bee god doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge
First I suerender my[MJ1] my soule into the handes of almightey god who gave it mee hopeinge to bee saved by the merrites and mediations of Jesus Christ my alone Saviour and Redeemer and by noe other waies or meanes what soever and next I Committ my bodey to the earth wheare of it was made to bee buried in such Christian and decent manner as my Executor heare after named shall thinke fit and as for my worldly goodes which god hath lent mee I give and bequeath in manner and forme followinge
It I give to my loving daughter Agnes Page the some of fife powndes to bee at hir owne dispose
It I give to my lovinge daughter Darathy Hartley the some of fife Powndes to bee at hir owne dispose
It I give to my lovinge grand Childe Thomas Oggden the some of fiftey shillinges to bee payd to him when hee shall ataine to the age of one & twentey yeares
It I give to my lovinge grande Childe Darathy Oggeden the some of fiftey shillinges and one flaxen sheete and one puter dish to bee payd to hir at the age of one and twentey yeares but if it shall soe happen that my grandchildren shall die before the attaine the age of one and twentey yeares then theire legacies shall be devided betwixt the rest of my Children
It I give to the poore of Abketlby and Hollwell the some of tenne shillinges to be equilley devided
All the rest of my goods and Chattells I give to my sonne Nicholas Moore whom I make full & Sole executor of this my last will and testement
In wittnesse wheare of I have put to my hand and seal the twelft day of May in the yeare of our lord god one thousand six hundred eightey and one
John More
Signed sealed and declared to bee my last will and testement in the presents of
Robert Blankley
John Page
William Palmer his marke
Samuel Moore