Robert Morris of Nether Broughton 1566 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1566/41 also probate copy PR/I/257/37
In the name of god amen In the yeare of our lorde god 1566 the xv of Aprill I Robert Moris of Nether Broughtonne in the countye of Leicester sicke in bodye & beynge in good & perfect mynde & memorye dothe ordaine & make this my laste wyll & testement in maner and forme folowynge
Firste I bequethe my soule unto allmightye god & to all the blessed companye of heven & my bodye to be buried in the churche yarde of Nether Broughtonne
Item I wyll and bequethe to Elisebethe my wyfe iii kye & everye yeare a stonne of blacke wooll & all other necessaries belonginge unto her duringe her lyfe, at all tymes, as often as need shall require
Item I geve & bequethe to Marye Moris the wyfe of John Moris tow yowes & tow lambes
Item I wyll & geve to Nycolas Howelet tow yowes & tow lambes
Item I geve to Wyllm Howelette the sonne of Nycolas Howelet vi lambes
Item I wyll and bequethe to Robert a more v yowe lambes
Item I geve to Wyllm a more a lambe
Item I geve to Brigette Freman a lambe
Itm I geve to Marye Parker a lambe
Item I geve to Robert Hand a lambe
Item I wyll & bequethe to Elisebethe Robinsonne a lambe
All the reste of my good unbequethede my bodye honestlye brought to the grounde, my debts & Legacies performed I geve & bequethe to Robert Moris my Sonne Whom I ordaine & make my full executor of this my laste Wyll & testement & I make Nycolas Howelet Supervisour of this my Wyll & for his paines I geve him a yowe & a lambe
These men beynge Wyttness, John Smythe, Robert More & John Moris, with other mo
Probate 12 July 1566