William Morris of Upper Broughton 1658 Will
The National Archives PROB 11/284/310
I William Morris of Over Broughton in the Countye of Nottingham yeoman of good & perfect memorie (thankes be to God) doe make and ordeyne this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge
First I give to the poore of Over Broughton aforesaid fortye shillings And to the poore of Grimston in the Countye of Leicester Twentie Shillinges to be devided and distributed by my Executrix hereafter named
Alsoe I give to my Kinsman Felix Foxe one messuage or Tenement in Over Broughton aforesaid in the Countye aforesaid in the occupacon of Richard S…, and all the land meadowe and pasture therewith used conteyninge by estimacon one yard land be the same more or lesse To have and to hold to the said Felix Fox and the heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten and to be begotten Provided neverthelesse that he pay or cause to be paid unto my Kinsman Robert Fox Threescore poundes of lawfull money of England Within Twelve moneths after his enterance And if he the said Felix shall dye without such issue as aforesaid I give the said messuage and lands to the said Robert Fox and his heires forever
Alsoe I give to my Kinsman John Burrowes of Bingham in the said County of Nottingham husbandman the moyetie or half part of one messuage and twoe yard lands in Over Broughton aforesaid in the occupacon of Richard Crosse and Richard Simson or one of them To have and to hold the said moyetie or halfe part of the said laste menconed messuage and twoe yard lands with their appurtenances to the said John Burrowes his heires & assignes forever Provided neverthelesse That the said John Burrowes pay or cause to be paid within twelve moneths after his enterance to my Kinsman William Morris Thirty poundes of like money And to my Kinswomen Marie Morris, Jone Morris, and Allice Morris Twentie poundes a peece of like money
And my will and minde is that if default of payment shalbe made by the said Felix of the said summe of money soe to be paid to the said Robert Fox as aforesaid That thereupon he the said Robert Fox and his heires and assignes Shall enter upon and hold to his and their owne use the said first menconed messuage and yard land till the Said Sume of Threescore poundes be duely satisfied
And if the said John Burrowes shall faile in payment of the Said several Sumes of money by him herein before menconed to be paid as aforesaid or any part thereof, That then hee, she or they to whome Such Sume or Sumes of money shall not be paid as is before expressed, shall and may Lawfully enter into hold and enioye the moyetie of the Last menconed messuages and twoe yard Lands with the appurtenances till the said respective Sume or Sumes of money soe not paid as aforesaid by the said John Burrowes shalbe fully satisfied
Alsoe I give the said Robert Fox Fiftye poundes of like money more to be paid at the end of his apprentishipp of seaven yeares
And I likewise give to my Kinsman William Morris the Sume of Twenty poundes of like money To be paid unto him the first day of May which shalbe in the yeare of our Lord 1663
And to Fortune Leeson the like Sum of Twentie poundes to be paid unto her on the first day of May which shalbe in the yeare of our Lord 1665
And to Mary Simpson the Wife of Richard Simson the Sume of Five pounds of like money
And I give to my Kinsman Gervas Hooton the last yeares possession of the terme which I have of that Farme which I hold by Lease from the right noble the Earle of Kingston soe that the said Gervas at this entrye upon the said possion pay to my Executrix or her Assignes hereafter named the Sume of Tenne poundes of like money
Alsoe I give to my Sister Fox Twenty Shillings by the yeare To be paid by my said executrix dureinge the naturall Life of my said Sister
Alsoe I give to my Servants Robert Willmot and Anne Harrington Twenty Shillinges a peece
And all the rest of my goodes Cattles and chattles hereby undisposed of I give to my Loveinge wife Mary Morris whome I make Sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament
In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal the twentieth day of May in the yeare of our Lord 1658
William Morris his marke
Signed sealed and published in the presence of
Thomas Hemsley
Fortune Borrowes
This Will was proved at London the Twoe and twentieth day of November in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand five hundred fiftye eight before the Judges for probate of Wills and grauntinge administracons Lawfully authorized By the oathe of Mary Morris the Relict and Executrix named in the said Will To whome was committed administracon of all and singuler the goodes chattells and debts of the said deceased Shee beinge first sworne by Commission well and truly to administer