John Moulton of Holwell 1639 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1639/148
In the name of god amen The five & twentith day of Aprill Ano dni 1639 I John Moulton of Hollwell in the countie of Leicester yeoman beinge weake in body, but of good & perfect memory and remembrance blessed be god therefore, And wayenge with my selfe the frailtie & uncertaintie of the life of men in this worlde, doe make & ordayne this my last will & testament in maner & forme followeinge
First I doe comende my soule into the hands of Allmightie god my maker, beseeching him for his mercies in Jesus Christe his sonne & my redeemer to be mercifull unto me, & my body to the earth from whence it came In hope of a ioyfull resurreccon at the last day
Item I give & bequeath unto my sonne John Moulton the sume of Twentie markes of good & lawefull money of Englande to be paide to him at his full age of xxi yeares & not before, & in the meane tyme to rest in the hands of my Executrixe she maynteyninge him as is fittinge
Itm I give & bequeath unto my Ownckle Thomas Bayly of Hicklinge in the countie of Nottingham One Ewe & a lambe to be delivered unto him before the ende of one yeare next followeinge my decease
Itm to my brother Henry Moulton my best suite of Apparell
Itm To Henry Bayly (sonne of Thomas Bayly) my nowe servant, my worst suite of Apparell
Item to my Aunt Barley widdowe five shillings
Itm to my sister Jane Moulton five shillings
Itm to William Barley sonne of the said widdow Barley one Ewe hogge to be delivered within the space of Twelve monthes next followeinge my decease
Itm to Robt Barley sonne of the said widowe Barley one barren Ewe, And to Dorothey wife to William Porter of the towne of Nottingham Roper xiid
All & Singuler other my goods, cattall, & chattells whatsoever not formerly bequeathed I doe heareby give & bequeath unto my good & loveinge wife Anne Moulton whome I doe allsoe make & ordayne heareby my full & Sole Executrixe of this my last will
In wittnes whereof I have heareunto put my hande & seale in the presence of
John Moulton
John …
The marke of … Cowley
The marke of Thomas Smythe
Probate 26 October 1639