William Moulton of Holwell 1558 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1558
Part of the right hand side of the will is missing throughout
In the name of god Amen the xixth of August in the yeare of oure lord [missing] fyve hundeth fyftye and eight I Wyllm Molton of Holewell sick in body [missing] perfytt god be thancked make thys my last wyll as heare foloweth
[missing] my soole to god Almyghtye and my bodye to the earthe where god [missing] provye place
Itm I bequeth to the churche of Lyncollne iid
Itm I bequeath to [missing] of the churche of … vid
Itm I bequeath to the churche of Ketylby one [missing] and to the chapel of Holywell one strycke of mault
Itm I bequeth to my [missing] Molton my best Jackett my best hatt & one oulde horsse nowe in the [missing]
[Missing] Wyllm Molton my best yoowe sheape
Itm I bequethe to Jhon Brewster xiiis
[Missing] I gyve to everye god chylde iiiid
Itm I bequethe to Ales Brewster [missing] & a lame
Itm I gyve to Ysbell Brewster one yoow & a lamme
Itm I bequethe [missing] Molton my brothers sonne one yoow & a lamme
Itm I bequethe to Rychard [missing] sonne one yoowe & a lame
Itm I wyll my dettes be payd of all my goods [missing] my wyffe have the third parte of the …
Itm I wyll that my wyffe have the third parte of all my land and … for thyrds for lyff and after her deathe I wyll that third parte of my landes and [missing] remayne to … and in the same order as by thys my wyll I appoynt the other [missing] land that ys to saye
Fyrst I wyll my sone Robart Molton have all my land [missing] to hyme & to hys heres of hys bodye lawfullye begotten and yf the sayd Robart [missing] wythe owt suche issew then I wyll my brother Rychard and hys heres male of hys [missing] lawfully begotten have … for ever paying for ever yerlye to my brother Jhon [missing] male xs and yf Jhon have no male here than I wyll the land be equally [missing] betwene the heres of my brotherene Jhon & Rychard
Itm I wyll [missing] Kyllynley dye that my son Robart and hys part be at the order of my brother [missing] Molton & Willm Mansfeyld
The rest of my goods before nott geven I [missing] … to my sone Robart to be equallye parted betwene … the [missing] & Robart I make my free executors and Wyllm Mansfeld overseer who for [missing] paynes I wyll have vis viiid
Theys being wytness
Robart Watson the [missing] Jhon Hurst Robart Crosse Hughe Holt and others
Thys is the inventorye of all the goods & cattell of Wyllm Molton latlye departed praysed the ixth of September by thes iiii honest men Jhon Hurst Robart Crosse Robart … … Heughe Holt
In primis a tabell & a forome & iii cheares & a lytle bord | vis viiid |
Itm a doar & v coffers wyth other paynted clothes | iis vid |
Itm a ambrey & a dyshe borde | iis |
Itm iiii brasen pottes & iiii pannes & iiii kettells | v li |
Itm v candyllstyckes & a basyn & a brasen morter with the pestell | viiis |
Itm v chargers of pewter & xii platters & viii potengers & ii saltes and a chafynge dyshe | vis viiid |
Itm the plowe wythe other iren ware | vis viiid |
Itm a spytt wythe cobbers & a fyer shole & fyer iron | vis viiid |
Itm certayne … wod gear … a fatt wythe other … … house | vis viiid |
Itm a window … clothe & iii sackes | iiiis |
Itm a payre of quernes & ii leyds | xiis |
Itm other tymber in … house | iis iiiid |
Itm iii betels & iii peles wyth other | iiiis |
Itm vii payre of flaxen sheates & vii payre of harden cofers & apparell | xiiis iiiid |
Itm a yren bound cart & a bare cart & a bound … iron harowes hovell geare & other | iii li vis viiid |
Itm the heye & corne | xix li |
Itm v horses & mares iii folis & the geres | v li |
Itm vii keyne & iiii calfes | x li vis iiiid |
Itm xxii shepe | xls |
Itm iii hogges & a sowe & viii shotes | xxxiiis iiiid |
Itm viii … | iis |
It capons & hennes | vs |
Itm iiii duckes | viiid |
Itm iii hyves | vis |
Itm ould troffes | iiis iiiid |
Itm cockes & … | xxd |