Emmot Musson of Scalford 1600 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/221/30
Januarie 17 1599 Elizabethe regina 42
In the name of god amen: I Emate Musson of Scalforde in the countye of Leicester widdowe sicke in bodie but whole in mind and of good and perfecte memorye thankes be to god therefore doe make and ordeine this my laste will and testament in manner and forme followeinge
Firste I bequeathe my soule to allmightye god, and my bodye to be buryed in the church yard of Scalforde aforesaide
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto everye one of my godchildren iiiid
Itm I geve and bequeathe towards the repaire of the horspoole bridge iiis iiiid
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto everye servant I have xiid excepte the sheepehearde and unto hime I geve iis
Itm I will that first out of my goods shalbe payed those legacies which are geven and bequeathed unto my thre children Thomas Musson George Musson and Agnes Musson by the laste will and testament of Jhon Musson theire father deceassed, after the maner and order in the same will specified
Item I geve and bequeath unto everye one of the children of George Binckes xiid excepting his sonne James to whome I geve iis
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Willm Musson my sonne in lawe xls
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Hughe Musson my sonne in lawe xls
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto everye one of the children of Jhon Musson of Katherbye xiid excepting his eldest sonne unto whom I geve iis
Itm I geve unto Willm Skrimshire xs
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Elizabethe Musson my sister vs
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Willm Bincks xs
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Thomas Musson my sonne that entereste right and title which I have in my farme I nowe dwell in
Itm I will that yf there be anye surplus in my goods thes fore… legacies discharged my debts payed and my funerals dispatched that thee shalbe equallye parted betwixte my thre children Thomas George and Agnes Musson
Itm I will that Thomas my sonne shall find meate drinke and apparell for George my sonne and Agnes my daughter dureinge theire minorytye or under age of xxitie yeares yf they remaine no longer unmarried, and at the age of xxitie yeares to deliver my sonne George his portione of goodes and at the same age or daye of maryage to deliver my daughter Agnes her portione
Itm I make and ordaine Thomas Musson my sonne executoure unto this my laste will and testament And Willm Bincks and Herauld Skrimshire supervisours
Thes beinge wittnesses
Willm Binckes
Herauld Skrimshire
Debts due to the testat
In primis owinge by Sethe Hosse | xii li |
Itm oweinge by Nycholas Musson the younger | xxs |
Itm oweinge by Nycholas Musson the elder | xxs |
Itm oweinge by Gregory Gilliame | v li |
Itm oweinge by Willm HIckline | xls |
Itm oweinge by Jhon Teate | xxis |
Itm oweinge by Willm Binckes | iii li |
Itm oweinge by Charles Segrave gent | iii li xs |
Itm oweinge by George Binckes | ix li |
Itm lente unto my land lady Mrs Sherande | vi li |
Itm lente unto her at one other tyme | x li |
Itm lente unto her at one other tyme in the presence of Raffe Gilberte | xiii li vis iiid |
Probate 11 June 1600