Hugh Musson of Scalford 1573 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1573
This is a probate copy of the will. The will does not give the forename of the testator but the marginal notation says that he is Hugonis Muston
In the name of god amen in the second daye of maye and in the yeare of our Lord god a thousand fyve hundred three score and Twelve I Muston of Scalford husb in the countie of Leicester beinge of good and perfect memorie thankes be geven to Almightie god doe make this my laste will and Testament in maner and forme following
First I geve and bequethe my Soule to almightie god and my body to be buryed within the churche of Scalford
Itm I geve and bequeathe to the mother churche of Lincoln iiiid
Itm I geve and bequethe to the poore mens boxe xiid
Item I geve and bequethe to my younger sonne John Muston my horsse and carte and carte geares my plowes and also plowghe geares my crope bothe in feyld and towne to the valewe of xl li
Itm I geve and bequethe to my Sonne George Muston xl li
Itm I geve and bequethe to my dowghter Agnes Beuche vi li xiiis iiiid
Itm I geve & bequethe to Thomas Muston the Sonne of Willm Muston x li
Itm I geve and bequethe to my lande lorde in Sherwood the eldere a geldynge or els iii li vis
Itm I bequethe to my lande ladye xs
Itm geve and bequethe to Mr Francis She… xxs
Itm I geve and bequethe to Eliz Muston the dowghter of Wm Muston and to Heleyne Muston the dowghter of Nicholas Muston iii li vis viiid to be devyded betwixt them too
Itm I geve and bequethe to Hewe Muston the sonne of Edward Muston one cowe
Itm I geve and bequethe to Edwarde Muston my Sonne x shepe
Itm I geve and bequethe to Margaret Berye one ewe and a lambe
Itm I geve and bequethe to Hewe Muston the sonne of John Muston the yonger my greatest brasse pott
Itm I geve unto everye godchylde that I have vid
Itm I geve and bequethe to everye one of my chyldern chydler one shepe
Itm I will that Nicholas Muston and John Muston the yonger be my executors And John Muston the elder and Thomas Muston to be supervisors
The reste of my goods unbequethed I geve and bequethe to my executors to be devyded by the discretyon of my supervisors
These beinge wittnesses
Richard Plumer clerke Sethe Hosse Willm More
Probate 29 July 1573