John Musson of Scalford 1585 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1585/81
In the name of god amen In the xxth of December and in the yeare of our lorde god 1585 I Jhon Musson of Scalford in the countie of Leicester husbandman sicke in bodye but wholle in minde and of good and perfite memory Do make and ordeyne this my laste will and testamente in maner and forme followinge
Firste I bequeath my soule unto allmighty god and my bodye to be buryed in the churche of Scalforde aforesaide
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Willm Musson myne eldest sonne all my intereste and title of lande lyeinge in Little Dalbye which is the one halfe of the yarde lande And for wante of ishewe to Hughe Musson my sonne, and for wante of ishewe of Willm or Hughe to Thomas my sonne, and for wante of ishewe of them to George my sonne, and for wante of ishewe of all them to my eldest daughter, and for wante of all such ishewe to my youngeste daughter
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto my wife Emate Musson, Willm Musson, Hughe Musson, Thomas Musson, George Musson, Agnes Musson, and Elizabethe Musson my children, everye one of them xl li to be payed to the men children at the age of one and twentye yeares and to the women children eyther at the daye of theire maryage or else when they shall accomplishe the age of xxi yeares and yf anye of the children departe this life before that age of xxi years or the daye of mariage as before, then the porcion of that or those children shall remaine equallye to be devided amongeste such children of mine as then shalbe lyveinge
The rest of my goods unbequeathed, yf there be anye I will that Jhon Musson of Katherbye and George Bincks of Scalforde shall dispose them amongeste my children at theire discretions, which two I make my full executours, and for theire paines eyther of them shall have vs
Itm I will that Willm Bincks and Mychaell Frisbye shalbe Supervisours of this my laste will and testamente
Thes beinge Wittnesses
Willm Bincks
Hughe Musson
Probate 25 February 1585/6