John Musson of Harby 1751 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1751/108
In the Name of god Amen the first day of December 1750
I John Musson of Harby in the County of Leicester being Sick and Weak in body But of Perfect Mind and Memory thanks be given unto god therefore Calling unto Mind the Mortality of My body and knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to Die do Make and ordain this My Last will and testament that is to say
Principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of allmighty god that gave it Me and my body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the Discretion of My Executors Nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I Shall Receive the Same again by the Mighty power of god and as touching Such worldly Estate Wherewith it hath pleased god to bless Me in this Life I Give devise and dispose of the same in the following Manner and form
First I Give and bequeath to My Son John Musson My dwelling house with the Cottage Belonging to it to him and his heirs for Ever
Item I Give to My Son William Musson thirty pounds to him and his heirs for Ever to Enter upon at and Emediately after My decease that is the ten pounds which Joseph Hopkinson hath and ten pounds that Thomas Lambing hath
Likewise it is My will that my part in darker plat Shall be Equally divided betwixt My two Sons John Musson and William Musson
Allso it is my will that My Son William Musson shall have all those household goods that I had with My wife Elisabeth to Enter upon att My decease with one tester bedstead of My own and one Chest which was Called Mine
And as for the Rest of all My goods Cattle and Chattel I Give them to My Sons John Musson and William Musson to be Equally divided betwixt them Whom I Constitute Make and ordain My Executors of all My goods Cattle and Chattel of this My Last will and testament by them freely to be Enjoyed and I do hereby utterly Revoke and disannul all other wills and testaments heretofore Made by Me Confirming this and no other to be My Last will and testament
In wittness whereof I have Sett to hand and Seal the day and year first above written
John Musson
Signd Seald Publishd and declard this to be My Last will and testament in the Presence of us whose names are and were sett too in the presence of the testator
William Bean
James Jackson
Robert Morriss
The Twenty Sixth Day of April 1751 John Musson and William Musson the Sons Executors within named were sworn
Before me G Broughton Surrogt