Thomas Musson of Scalford 1585 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1585/50
In the name of god amen In the xviiith of June 1582 and in the xxiiiith yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god of Englande France and Irelande queene defender of the Faythe &c I Thomas Musson of Scalforde in the countye of Leicester husbandman sycke in bodye but whole in minde and of good and perfite memorye, thankes be geven to god therefore do make and ordaine this my laste will and testament in maner and forme followeinge
Firste I bequeathe my soule to allmightye god, and my bodye to be buryed in the churche yarde of Scalforde aforesaide
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Prudence my wife, Willm Musson, Nycholas Musson, Rychard Musson my thre sonnes, Margaret Musson, Agnes Musson, Alice Musson my thre daughters all my goods equallye to be devided amongeste them, excepte that my wife shall firste take unto her self to her proper use vi of my sheepe, and my sonne Willm Musson shall have of my goods (before they be devided into vii equall portions as is afore saide) xx li
Which Willm my sonne, with Jhon Musson my brother I doe make and ordaine mine executours to this my laste will and testament
Itm I will that Nycholas Musson my brother, and George Byncks shalbe Supervisours to this my will
Thes beinge witnesses to this my laste will and testament
Willm Binckes
Nycholas Musson
Jhon Musson
George Binckes