John Neale 1657 of Saxelby will
National Archives PROB 11/265/489
In the name of God Amen I John Neale of Saxelbie in the Countie of Leicester Clerke beinge sick in bodie but well in mind and of a Perfect remembrance Thanks be unto Allmightie God do make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme as followeth
First I bequeath my immortall soule into the everlasting armes [?] of Jesus who gave it And my corps to be buried in the Parish Church of Saxelbie aforesaid under the greate stone, being betwixt the Reading seat and the Pulpit
And as for my worldlie estate that the lord hath lent me I doe dispose of as followes
First unto the Three Children of my Dear Sonne John Neale of Gritstone and also unto Anne the Daughter of William Nedham and unto the Two Daughters of John Annis And unto the Three Children of William Bottle beinge all my Grand=Children I doe give five Shillings a piece unto each of them to be paid within one yeare after my decease
And as for all the rest of my goods and Chattles moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeath to my Dearlie beloved wife Mrs Elizabeth Neal whom I make the full and Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament after my funeral Charges are discharged
In wittnes hereunto I sett to my Hand and seale this Nineteenth day of September Anno Domini one Thousand Six Hundred Fiftie & five
John Neale Clarke
Signed and Sealed in the Presence of
Thomas Neale Clarke
John Neale
William Nedham
This will was Proved at London the Twentieth daie of June one Thousand Six Hundred fiftie seaven Before the Judges for Probat of wills and grauntinge Administracons Lawfullie authorized By the oath of Elizabeth the Relict Executrix named in the said will To whom was Comitted Administracon of all and singular the Goods Chattles and Debts of the said Deceased She being first sworne by Commission trulie to Administer the same