William Neale of Ab Kettleby 1649 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/R/1649/42
In Dei nomine Amen I William Neale of Abkettleby in the County of Leic gent beinge weake in bodie but of good and perfect memory (praysed be God therefore) Now revoking hereby all former wills by mee heretofore made, doe therefore make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge
First I bequeath my Soule unto Allmightie God the maker and Redeemer thereof with assured hope and Confidence of my Salvation through and by the passion and merritts of my Saviour Christ Jesus, And my body to be buryed in the parishe Church of Abkettleby aforesaid
And as for those worldly goods which God hath sent me I will that they be devided and bestowed amongst my Children friends and others as hereafter followeth and is herein expressed
Inprimis I give unto the Churchwarden of Ab Kettleby aforesaid to be bestowed for the use of the Church there Three shillinges and foure pence
Itm I give unto the poore of Ab Kettleby ten shillinges, To the poore of Hollwell six shillinges and Eight pence, and to the poore or Wartnabey five shillinges to be distributed amongst them at my buryall by my Executors
Itm I give unto Richard Alsop twenty shillinges
Item I give unto my loving friend William Shepperdson forty shillinges
Itm whereas by a former Deede I have enfeoffed John Neale Parson of Saxlebey of all my lands Tenements and hereditaments in Ab Kettleby and Holwell to him and his heires for ever in which deede one of the Consideracons to be then afterwards by him performed is one annuall Rent of fower pounds to be by him and his heires performed and paid out of the said lands to such persone or personns as I should nominate by will or any other writinge beinge by me directed before three sufficient witnesses of which annuall Rent of foure pounds, fiftie shillinges thereof I have given and disposed to the poore of Ab Kettleby and to the keepinge of Holwell mouth well by A deede dated the Tenth daye of November in the Eighteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge Defender of the fayth &c And the other thirtie shillinges of the said Annuall Rent of foure pounds I doe hereby give and bequeath unto John Neale of Grimston in the County of Leicester yeoman and to his heires for ever upon the Condicons hereafter expressed
Itm I give and bequeath unto the Constable of every Towne of this division wherein I live to the use of the Towne the summe of five shillings for satisfaccon of such wrongs which I might perchaunce have donne them in my office of Cheife Constableship
And as Concerninge all my houshold goods (except those hereafter given to John Neale) I give and bequeath them unto my lovinge wife Dorcas and my two daughters Francis and Judiethe equally all my said houshold goods to be devided amongst them my said wife and two daughters
And whereas by a Deede bearinge date the three and twentieth day of July in the Sixteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Chares by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge defendor of the fayth &c made between me the said Willm Neale of the one parte and John Neale of Saxleby in the said County of Leic Clarke of the other parte, I have for the Consideracons therein expressed given, graunted, enfeoffed and Confirmed unto the said John Neale and his heires, al and singuler my Messuages houses Cottages, Lands, Tenements, Meadowes, feedinges Comons, Woods underwoods Comodityes and appurtences whatsoever, scituate and beinge in the said Townes feilds and liberties of Ab Kettleby and Hollwell in the said County of Leic or either of them, To have and to hould the same and every parte thereof unto the said John Neale his heires and assignes for ever to the use of me the said William Neale for tearme of my naturall life without impeachment of wast, and after my decease, then to the use and behoofe of the said John Neale his heires and Assignes for evermore to be houlden of the Cheife Lord or Lords of the fee or fees of the Rents and Services thereof heretofore due and or Right accustomed upon Condicon neverthelesse That if the said John Neale his heires, Executors Administrators and assignes shall not paye, or cause to be paid, within one yeare next after the decease of me the said Willm Neale at or in the South porch of the parishe Church of Abkettleby aforesaid the Sume of nine hundred pounds of lawfull Englishe monie to such personne or personns as I the said William Neale by my last will and Testament in writing or by any other writinge, to be sealed and delivered by me in my life tyme before three sufficient witnesses nominate and appoint the said will or deede beinge showed to the said John Neale his heires Executors or Assignes at the nowe dwellinge house of the said John Neale in Saxleby aforesaid in the said County of Leic within forty dayes next after the decease of me the said William Neale And a Coppy thereof left there at the said house for the said John Neale his heires Executors or Assignes, That then the said Conveighance to be voyd, And that then and from thence forth it shall and may be lawfull to and for the heires and Assignes of me the said William Neale into all and singuler the premisses to reenter, and the same to have againe and repossesse, and enioye any thinge therein Contayned to the Contrary in any wise nowithstandinge
And whereas alsoe by Indenture made the tenth day of March in the sixteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge Defendor of the fayth &c Betweene me the said William Neale of the one parte and John Fowler of the Burrough of Leic in the said County of Leic notarie publique of the other parte I have for the Consideracon therein expressed graunted bargained sould assigned and sett out unto the said John Fowler his heires Executors Administrators and Assignes one Indenture tripartite bearinge date the seaventeenth day of September then last past before the daye of the date of the said Indenture wherein Sr Anthonie Topham Doctor in Divinitye Deane of the Cathedrall Church of the blessed virgin Marie of Lincolne and the Chapter of the said Church have for the Consideracons therein expressed with theire wholl assent Consent and agreement devised graunted sett and to farme let unto me the said Willm Neale and my assignes All that their Rectorie and Parsonage of Skellington with the rights members and appurtences in the County of Lincolne aforesaid from the date of the said Indenture tripartite for and during the lives natural of John Cowley of Holwell in the County of Leic gent Thomas Harris of the Bale of Lincolne gent and the said John Fowler and for and duringe the life of the longest liver of them as by the said Indenture now at large it doeth and may appeare upon trust and Confidence neverthelesse and to the uses Intents and purposes in and by the said Indenture menconed and Contayned and to or for none other use intent and purpose whatsoever (that is to saye) upon trust and Confidence and to the intent and purpose that he the said John Fowler and his Assignes shall permitt and suffer me the said Willm Neale and my Assignes to enioye the said Rectorie and parsonage and all other the graunted assigned premisses with the appurtences and to receive the Rents issues and profits thereof and everie parte and parcell of the same for and during my naturall life if they the said John Cowley Thomas Harris and John Fowler or any of them doe soe longe live
And upon this further trust and Confidence that he the said John Fowler or his Assignes shall within one yeare and A halfe next after the decease of me the said Willm Neale att or within the South Porch of the parishe Church of Ab Kettleby aforesaid, satisfie and paye or cause to be satisfied and paid the sume of three hundred pounds of good and lawfull money of England to such personne or personnes as I the said Willm Neale shall by my last will and Testament or by any other writing Sealed and Delivered by my the said Willm Neale in my life tyme in the presence of three sufficient witnesses nominate and appoynt, the Copie of such will or writinge beinge shewed or left for the said John Fowler or his Assignes att his or theire dwellinge house or most usuall place of aboade within three monethes next after my decease with divers other Covenants in the same Indenture expressed as relacon thereunto beinge had it maye more appeare
Now I the said William Neale by this my last will and Testament in writinge in the presence of the said William Shepperdson John Hallydaye and Henry Freckingham beinge three Credible witnesses doe will and appointe that the said John Neale his heires Executors Administrators or Assignes shall paye or cause to be paid within one yeare next after my decease att or within the South Porch of the parishe Church of Ab Kettleby aforesaid the said Sume of nine hundred pounds of lawfull money of England in manner and forme following (that is to Saye)
To Ellen Hunnitt my daughter the wife of Robert Hunnitt of Eye Kettleby in the County of Leic Tayler the sume of three score pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds in full satisfaccon of the Childes porcon
Itm I give and bequeath unto Margarett Hunnitt Elizabeth Hunnitt Judith Hunnit and John Hunnit theire Children the sums of twenty pounds a peece parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Itm I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann Stoakes the wife of Robert Stoakes of Bingham in the County of Nott: Mercer the sume of threescore and five pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds in full satisfaccon of her Childes porcon
Itm I give unto Theadotia Stoakes George Stoakes and Annis Stoakes theire Children the sumes of twenty and five pounds a peece parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Itm I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Smith the wife of John Smith of Orson in the Countie of Nott Mercer the sume of three score pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds in full satisfaccon of her Childes porcon
Itm I give and bequeath unto John Smith Annis Smith William Smith and Alexander Smith theire Children the sumes of twenty pounds apeece parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto Frauncis Dawson aforesaid widowe my daughter the sume of one hundred pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds, in full satisfaccon of her Childes porcon
Itm I give and bequeath unto Edward Dawson her sonne the summe of forty pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Itm I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Judieth Spencer widdowe the sume of one hundred and twenty pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Itm I give and bequeath unto my grandchilde Edward Stoakes the sume of twenty pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Itm I give and bequeath unto my grandchilde John Stoakes the sume of twenty pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Itm I give unto my grandchilde Elizabeth Caudrey the wife of John Caudrey minister the Sume of twenty pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Itm I give and bequeath unto Ann Boulton widdowe my grandchilde the sume of twenty pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Itm I give and bequeath unto my grandchilde William Acton the sume of twenty pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Itm I give and bequeath unto my grandchilde Theadotea Hunt the sume of twenty pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Itm I give and bequeath unto John Neale of Grimston aforesaid in the said County of Leic yeoman the sume of one hundred pounds parcell of the said nine hundred pounds
Provided always and upon Condicon neverthelesse that if the said John Neale his heires Executors Administrators or Assignes shall not well and truely satisfie and paye or cause to be paid the abovesaid nine hundred pounds of lawfull Englishe monie unto those severall personnes above herein nominated to receave the same at the tyme and place above herein expressed then it is my will and minde that as well the said legacie and guift of the above named annuity of thirtie shillinges per Annum above given to him and his heires for ever As allsoe the legacie and guift of the said sume of one hundred pounds to be utterly voyde frustrate and of none effecte And that then he and his heires shall have but only the sume of tenn pounds in lewe of the legacies above menconed any thinge herein conteyned to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding And that then allsoe my will and minde is that my Children above menconed shall have receave and enioye the said Thirtie shillinges per Annum to them and theire heires for ever
Itm it is my will and minde that if any of my Grandchildren shall departe this life before theire porcons given them by this my will be due unto them that then I will the said porcon or porcons shall be paid unto my Executors hereafter named And that it shall not be lawfull for any of theire brethren or sisters to sue my Executors for the said monies
And likewise I the said Willm Neale by this my last will and Testament in writinge in the presence of the said William Shepperdson John Hallydaie and Henry Freckingham three Credible witnesses to doe will and appointe that the said John Fowler his heires Executors Administrators or Assignes shall paye or cause to be paid with in one yeare and halfe next after my decease at or in the South Porch of the parishe Church of Ab Kettleby aforesaid the aforesaid sume of three hundred pounds of lawfull Englishe money in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye)
I give and bequeath unto Overseers of the poore of the Towne of Sutton upon Trent in the County of Nott: the sume of fifteene pounds parcell of the said three hundred pounds to be imployed by them and theire Successors in the said Office yearely for the tyme beinge to and for the releife of the poore of the said Towne for ever
Itm I give and bequeath unto William Tough if he plowe my land at my decease or els to such personne or personnes whoe shall plowe or occupie my land at my decease, the Sume of twenty pounds parte of the said three hundred pounds for Satisfaccon of such losse or damage which he or they may have by beinge put from my farme after my departure out of this life
Itm I give unto my daughter Francis Dawson aforesaid the Sume of twenty pounds parcell of the said three hundred in full satisfaccon of her Childes porcon
Itm I give and bequeath unto my lovinge wife Dorcas the Sume of twenty pounds parcell of the said three hundred pounds if she live a yeare and A halfe after me
Itm I give unto the maide servant which shall dwell with me at my decease ten shillinges parcell of the said three hundred pounds
Itm I give unto Robert Freckingham the Sume of three pounds parcell of the said three hundred pounds
Itm I give unto my Servant Henry Freckingham six pounds parcell of the said three hundred pounds
Item I give unto all my Godchildren two shillinges A peece parcell of the said three hundred pounds
The residue and remainder of the said three hundred pounds I doe hereby will and appoint to be paid unto my Executors hereafter named
Itam I give and bequeath unto the said John Neale the younger the longe Table and the Seates about the Table in the house where I live Provided allwayes and it is neverthelesse my will and minde that if any of my Children or Grandchildren shall be contented with the monies given them by this my will, but doe goe to suite for land that then the said partie or parties for sueinge for land shall loose the benefit and porcon given him her or them by this my will
Itm it is my will and minde that the said John Neale shall receive the money due out of the Neather Broughton parsonage to the releife of the poore of Ab Kettleby aforesaid and distribute the same yearely But if the said John Neale his heires or Assignes shall not yearely paie and distribute the same unto the poorest sort of the said Towne, the said monies beinge thirty shillings, and within one week after he receives it, Then my will and minde is that the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of Ab Kettleby aforesaid for the tyme beinge shall receive and distribute the same accordinge to my fathers will
Itm I give unto my said daughter Judith Spencer widdowe two Cowes and tenn Ewes and lambs the best she can chuse
Item I give unto the abovesaid Robert Hunnitt the one halfe of all my apparel and the abovesaid Robert Freckingham and Henry Freckingham the other halfe of my apparel
All the rest of my goods Cattells and Chattles not disposed of my debts and legacies beinge paid, and my funerall expences discharged, I doe leave them in the hands of my Executors hereafter named
And of this my last will and Testament I make and ordaine the abovesaid Judith Spencer my daughter Mathewe Noble of Wartnaby gent Joynt Executors unto whom I give five pounds apeece to see this my will duely Executed
In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the sixteenth day of May in the two and [sic] yere of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland kinge defender of the fayth &c 1646
William Neale
Sealed Signed and published as his last will and Testament in the presence of
Willam Sheppardson
John Hallydaye
Henry Freckingham his marke
And furthermore whereas I have given all my houshould goods equally to be devided betwixt Dorcas my said wife and my two daughters Francis and Judith Itt is neverthelesse my will and minde that if my wife be not contented to take an equall third parte of all the housholde goods with my said two daughters then I give her only those goods which she brought, And I give all the rest of my houshold goods to be said two daughters equally to be devided
William Neale
Witnesses thereunto
William Sheppardson
Henry Freckingham his marke
Robert Freckingham his Marke
Probate Leicester 7 September 1649
Be it known unto all men by these presents That whereas William Neale of Ab Kettleby in the County of Leicester gent made his last will and Testament in writinge and therein did nominate Mathewe Noble of Wartnaby in the said County of Leicester gent to be one of his Executors I the said Mathewe Noble for Certayne causes me thereunto moveinge doe renounce the execucon of the said will, and doe desire this my renunctiacon to be admitted
In witnesse whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal this eight & twentyth daye of November Anno dni 1648
Nath: Noble
Sealed and Subscribed in the presence of
Edmund Gregory
Willm Steevenson his marke