Thomas Newcome of Harby 1705 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1705/105
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Newcome of Harbie in the Countie of Leicester Labourer being weake in body but of perfect minde and memorie praised be God therefore, the Twenty Sixth day of July in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred & five Doe make apoint & Ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and forme following (vizt)
First & principly I Bequeath my soule to God that gave it me., and my Body to the Earth, to be Buried at the charge of my Executor hereafter named
And as for my worldly Estate which God in his merice hath lent me I give grant, Devise & Bequeath as followeth (that is to say)
Imprimis I give, grant, Devise & Bequeath unto Samuel Newcome my youngest son & to his heires for ever, all that my Cottage & Dwelling house in which I now Dwell in, in Harbie aforesd, with two Bease Pastures to the same Belonging Together with all Outhouses Buildings Structures Orchards Gardens Yards Backsides waies Easements Closes hedges ditches Trees woods Proffitees Hereditaments Emolluments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Cottage house Belonging or in any wise Appartaineing or knowne or taken to be as any part or parcel thereof To have & to hold unto the said Samuel Newcome my son (imediately after my Decease) to the onely use & Behoofe of the sd Samuel my Son and his heires for ever (with this provizoe & Exception) that Jane my now Wife & Mother of the sd Samuel my Son shall & may have free Libertie with free ingress, Egress & Regress for her Convenyantes) in the house, Yard, Orchard, garden & other places on & in the sd Premisses at her pleasure Dureing her Naturall Life and Widdowhood & no longer) and to be Mainetained by the said Samuel his heirs or Assignes (and at his or their proper Charges with Sufficient meate Drinke Washing Lodgeing And all other things fitting for her Dureing her Naturall Life & my Widdow (Except Apparrell which Shee is to finde for herself) And towards her sd Maintenance I give her one Cow, and I doe will that she shall goe upon one of the Pastures abovesd & that my sd Son his heires or Assignes shall Provide at their Charge all other foder & keeping for her & to have her Milke, And it is my will & I doe will that if my Wife Jane Doe not Like to stay with my sd Son that then she shall have free Libertie to take the sd Cow and all the Rest of her goods, and to goe to whom She pleaseth to Dwell, And then that my said son Samuel his heires or Assignes shall Pay her twenty Shillings a yeare without any stopage or Deduction By even & equall Portions quarterly Dureing her Naturall Life, if she stay quarterly from him
And alsoe I give & Bequeath to John Newcome my Second son five Pounds Lawfull money to be paid by my Executor in one yeare of my Decease, it Being Lawfully Demanded in full of his portion
Itm I give & Bequeath to Thomas Newcome five Pounds like money in full of his Portion & one Pewter Dish, to be paid in two yeares after my Decease it being Lawfully Demanded, But the Pewter Dish when desired by the sd Thomas
Itm I give & Bequeath to my Dear & Loveing wife Jane Newcome the Sume of five Pounds Lawfull money to be paid to her by my Executor upon her Demand, And the Bigest Brass Pan & the next to it & two of the worst Pewter dishes, & foure Pewter Plates, & one Pewter Candlestick, & one Porenger and the Bed which she Brought with her & the worst Bedstead in the Parlor, the Best Mattris, the fether Bolster, the Green Bed hilling one Paire of the Best Blanckitts, one Pair of flaxen sheets, & a flax Pillowbear & a hemp Pillowbear & one Paire of Midlein Sheets two Pillows & one sett of sad colred Curtaines & vallens & one warmeing Pan & the Bigest Tubb, two Peals, the Bigest Cherne one Bear barrell one … the best Cheare, & two other Cheers, one Paire of Drawhookes & two other hookes, & one Linninge wheel, & one wooll wheele & the Biger Table in the Chamber, one Table cloth of flax, & three flax hucerbacke Napkins Alsoe I give to the sd Jane my wife one Other Cow, to be at her Disposeing, & one Buffett Stoole, & all the offall wooll & all the Lining yearne now in the house or at my death, all which said goods to be Delivered upon her Comand or According to her Apointment
Itm I give to William Newcome my Eldest Son one Shilling in full of his Childs part & Portion to be paid upon demand
Item I give to my Daughter Mary Sebrett one Shilling in full of her Childs part & Portion to be paid upon Demand
All the Rest of my goods & Chattells unbequeathed I give & Bequeath to my said son Samuel Newcome whom I make Sole Executor of this my Last Will & Testament, and Revoke all former wills by me made he Paying all my Debts legacies & funerall Charges, & if he neglect or Refuse to Performe this my will in all things therein Contained then I give Devise & Bequeath the sd Cottage house & premisses with their Appurtenances to Thomas Wright of Harbie aforesd to sell & performe this my will Returninge the overplus to the sd Samuel my son
In wittness to this my Last will & Testament I have sett to my hand & seall the day & yeare above Written
Thomas Newcome his marke & seal
Signed Sealed & Declared the Last will & Testament of the abovenamed Thomas Newcome in the presence of
Samuell Roe
John Brookbank mark
Probate 10 January 1705/6
December the 10th 1705 A True and perfect inmatory of The goods and Chattel of Thomas Newcomb of Harby lately Deseased Valued and praised by us whose names are here under written
£ | s | d | |
Item for his purs and Aparril | 00 | 10 | 00 |
Item in the Hous one great table and a buffit form to it | 00 | 04 | 00 |
For 6 Cheares and two buffit stools | 00 | 02 | 06 |
For 5 five puter dishes 5 plates 2 poronges 2 candlesticks | 00 | 06 | 08 |
For one brass pott and 2 pans and one puter tankerd | 00 | 05 | 00 |
For one fir Iron hooks and tongues | 00 | 02 | 06 |
Item in the parlor for one teaster bed with the furniture belangin to it and a | |||
set of sad coloured curtaine | 00 | 10 | 00 |
For 2 Chises and one cofer and a little box | 00 | 05 | 00 |
Item in the Dearey for 2 barrils and the milk vessils | 00 | 02 | 06 |
Item in the Chamber for one bedstead one little table and a churn | 00 | 05 | 00 |
Item for corn and Hay and Coles | 02 | 10 | 00 |
Item for 6 cows and 2 heffers and 2 calves | 06 | 00 | 00 |
Item for one little wheat Land and the Clods | 00 | 10 | 00 |
Item for Sheep 4 old sheep and 3 hogs | 00 | 10 | 00 |
Item for things unseen and for gotton | 00 | 03 | 04 |
Sum total | 12 | 06 | 6 |
Exhibited Leicester 10 January 1705/6