Robert Nichols of Nether Broughton 1597 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/218/17
In the name of god, Amen, and in the yeare of our Lorde god one thousand fyve hundreth fore score and Syxteene and the seacond day of December, I Robt Nichols of Nether Broughton in the Countie of Leicester yeoman beinge sycke in bodye and of good and perfecte remembraunce thankes be geven to god doe ordayne and make this my Laste Will and testamente in manner and forme followinge
Firste I Bequethe my soule to almyghtie god my maker and redemer in whom I truste to be saved by a lyvelye faythe in Christe Jesus and my Bodye to be buried in the parishe Churche of Nether Broughton
Itam I geve to the poore mens bockes of Broughton iiis iiiid
Also I geve to the mendinge of the wayes betwixt the Grange and the Churche iis vid
Also I geve and bequethe to my sonne in law Willm Smythe vs and to the Seaven Children which were betwixt my Doughter Margerie and him xvis viiid to be equaly devided amongest them and to be payd to ther father for ther use within one yeare next after my decease
Also I geve to my Doughter Dorritie viii li
Also I geve to her Children fortie shillings to be equally devided amongest them and to be delivered to ther parence to ther use to be payde within one halfe yeare after my decese
Also I geve to my Doughter Margarit fyve pounds and to hir Children fortie shillings to be equallye devided amongest them and to delivered to ther parence to ther use
Also I geve to Edward Moore the sonne of my Doughter Margaret a baye mare fole
Also I geve to Robt Nichols the sonne of my sonne George Nichols the younge baye mare
Also I geve and bequethe to my Doughter Judethe Nicholes three score and syx pounds xiiis iiiid and all my goods within the hall Parlers Chambers kytchin Barthowse brewe howse day howse or other places within the doors that is myne owne wherein my Doughter in Law Jane Nicholes hathe no halfe part onelye one featherbed excepted which I geve to John Nichols my sonne and one bedsteed with the furniture to it, and two sylver spoones also excepted which I geve to bequeath the Danyell my sonne
Also I geve and bequeth Troughton Nicholes my sonne Twentie pounds to be payd within one monethe after my decese
Also I geve to Robt Nycholes my servant xxs within one halfe yeare next after my decese
Also I geve to my sonne John Nycholes xxx li
Also I geve to my sonne Daniell Nichols lx li
Also I geve to the two doughters of my sonne John Nichols xiiis iiiid
The Reste of all my goods chattels and dettes which is or maye be by anye meanes dew unto me my dettes legaces funerall payd and discharged I geve and bequeathe to John Nichols and Daniell Nicholes my sonnes whom I make and ordayne my full and sole executors of this my Last Will and testament
Also I make Edward More and Thomas Boothe Supervisors of this my Last Will and testament to see it dewlye performed and for ther paynes I geve to Edward More my great Byble and to Thomas Boothe xs
Probate 22 April 1597