John Noble of Hickling 1637 Will
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/NW
In the name of God Amen for as much as the soule of man hath no perpetual dwelling in the carnall bodie of man heere on earth but is seperated from it at the will & pleasure of Almightie God therefore I John Noble of Hicklinge in the countie of Nott yeoman being the xxi daye of June in the yeere of our Lord God one thousand six hundred thirtie and five accordinge to the computacon of the church of England & in the eleventh yeere of the raigne of our sovaraigne Lord Charles of England Scotland France & Ireland Kinge defender of the faith &c beinge in health and perfect memorie praised be God therefore And intending by his grace to make my selfe readie to go the waye of all fleshe whensoever it shall please God to call me out of this worlde doe make ordaine & declare this my laste will & testament in manner & forme following
Imprimis I give & bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie God my maker trusting to be saved by the merits of Jesus Christ my redeemer And my bodie whensoever it shall please God to call me to be buryed in the parrishe churche or churchyard of Hicklinge aforesaid wheere my executors shall thinke most convenient
And for all those lands & tenements goods & chattels as the Lord hath indued me withall heere in this life I do herebie give & dispose of them in manner & form following
Imprimis I give & bequeath unto William Dafte of Hickling aforesaid one of the sonnes of Robert Dafte deceased my late brother in lawe that cottage and tenement with two landes lyinge in Barland Feilde in Hickling aforesaid & now or late in the tenure or occupacon of me the said John Noble & William Dafte aforesaid and also one oxgange of arable land with all commons and commodities and hades baulks meadowes lyinge grasse lotte grasse parting grasse pastures commons hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in anye wise apperteyninge in the towne feilds & territories of HIcklinge aforesaid conditionnallie that the said William Dafte or his heires or assignes doe paye or cause to be payd the full and whole summe of eighte pounds of current English monie to the executorxs of this will and testament hereafter to be nominated
Item I have given the other oxgange of lande with all the profits & commodities thereto belonging unto George Dafte and the said yard lande to be equallie divided between the said William Dafte & George Dafte & to theire heires and assignes for ever
Item I give unto the poore of Hicklinge xiid to be distributed at the discrecon of mine executors
Item I give unto my nephew William Noble of Rempstone vis viiid and to his children xxs to be equallie devyded amongst them
Item I give unto my neece Joane Barlowe xs and to her children xxs to be equallie betweene them divided
Item I give unto my nephew Francis Noble xxs and to his sister Alice xs
Item I give unto my nephew John Dafte xxs
Item I give unto Prudence Thomasman xs
Item I give unto all my nieces childrens children the summe of is a peece
Item I give unto George Dafte his children evrye one of them is
Item I give unto the daughter of said William Dafte 1s
Item I give unto the children of my nephew John Thomasman in Broughton xxxs to be equallie devided amongst them
Item I give unto the children of Christopher Francke of Broughton Soulney xs to be equallie devided amongst them
And all those legacies heeretofore given my will is shalbe payd & discharged within twelve moneths next after my decease
And all the reste of my goods cattels & chattels moveable & immoveable I give & bequeath unto my nephews William Dafte and John Thomasman unbequeathed whom I make my full executors of this my laste will and testament, and I utterlie revoke all former wills & testaments whatsoever and I appointe my verie good freinds Chistopher Francke and Herald Smithe overseers of this my will and testament and I give unto either of them iis
In witness whereof I have set to my hande & seale the daye & yeare firste above written
John Noble marke & seale
Christopher Francke
John Gervis