1805 Indenture: transcription & notes.
- 12th October 1805.
- Robert Dickman (occupation – taylor (as spelt at the time)) sells the property to his eldest son John Dickman for the sum of £5.
- Other involved parties: William Crofts (witness); John Swift (witness).
- The extent of the property is approx. 400sq yds.
- William Parr is referenced; he holds rights of passageway over the property which are upheld in the sale.
- In addition, John Dickman agrees to pay his father, Robert Dickman, an annuity of 30 shillings a year to be paid quarterly on the usual feast days: Christmas Day, Lady Day, Midsummer Day and Michaelmas Day.

- Dated 12th October 1805
- Robert Dickman to John Dickman (his son) – feoffment of a messuage and premises in Hickling.
- Received on the day and year first within written by me
- the within named Robert Dickman of and from the
- within named John Dickman the sum of five pounds
- £5
- the consideration money within mentioned to be paid
- by him to me at or before the sealing and delivery of the
- within written Indenture witness my hand
- Witness William [Crofts]
- Robert Dickman
- Sealed and delivered by the within
- named Robert Dickman and John
- Dickman being first duly stampt
- in the presence of
- Will. Crofts – of Nottingham
- Be it remembered that on this day of the date of the within
- written Indenture peaceable and quiet possession
- and seisin of the messuage or tenement and premises within
- mentioned to be granted was given and delivered by
- the within named Robert Dickman to the within
- named John Dickman in his own proper person
- to hold now and to the use of the said John Dickman
- his heirs and assigns for ever according to the true tenor
- form and effect of the within written Deed in the
- Presence of
- W. John Swift
- W. William Wright
- This Indenture made the twelfth day of October in the forty fifth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the third by the grace
- of God of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord
- one thousand eight hundred and five between Robert Dickman the older of Hickling in the County of
- Nottingham taylor (formerly described Robert Dickman the younger of the one part and John Dickman of Hickling aforesaid taylor (oldest son
- of the said Robert Dickman) of the other part witnesseth that for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which the said
- Robert Dickman hath and beareth to and for the said John Dickman his son and for his advancement in the world and of the covenant and
- [testament hereinafter contained on the] part and behest of the said John Dickman his heirs executors and administrators and also in
- consideration of the sum of five pounds of lawful money of England to the said Robert Dickman in hand well and truly paid by the said
- John Dickman at or before the sealing and delivery of those presents (the receipt and payment of which said sum of five pounds
- accordingly he the said Robert Dickman doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of and from every part thereof doth acquit release
- and discharge the said John Dickman his heirs executors administrators and assigns and every of them for ever by those present
- He the said Robert Dickman hath granted bargained and sold aliend enfeoffed release and confirmed and by those present doth grant
- bargain and sell alien enfeoff release and confirm unto the said John Dickman his heirs and assigns all that messuage or tenement
- with the outbuildings, yard garden and appurtenances thereunto adjoining and belonging situate standing and being in Hickling aforesaid
- in the said County of Nottingham containing together in the whole by estimation four hundred square yards or thereabouts (be the
- same more or less) forming in the tenure or occupation of the said John Dickman his undertenant and also free ingress egress and regress liberty
- power and authority to and for the said John Dickman his heirs and assigns and his and their tenants and occupiers of the said
- promises from him to him and at all times hereafter for ever at this their free will and pleasure to have enjoy and make use of a common highway road or passage with horses carts or carriages or without upon and over a [croft] or homestead in Hickling aforesaid
- now (and for many years last past) in the tenure of William Parr to and from the town street of Hickling aforesaid to and from the
- said premises hereof granted enfeoffed and released or intended so to be together with all and singular houses outhouses edifices
- buildings barns stable yards gardens […] ways roads paths passages waters watercourses [easments] hedges [ditches]
- [mounds] [fences] trees commons and common of pasture and all other commons profits privileges commodities advantages
- emoluments hereditaments rights members and appurtenances whatsoever to the said messuage or tenement buildings yard garden
- hereditaments and premises belonging or in any way appertaining or to or with the same or any part or parcel
- thereof commonly held used occupied or enjoyed or accepted reputed taken or known as part parcel or member thereof
- And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits of all and singular the same premises
- And all the estate right title interest inheritance use trust property possession claim and demand whatsoever both at law and
- in equity of him the said Robert Dickman of into or out of the same premises every or any part or parcel thereof
- to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement or road way and passage hereditaments and all and singular other the
- premises hereby granted enfeoffed and released or meant mentioned or intended to be hereby granted enfeoffed and released
- with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said John Dickman his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and
- behest of him the said John Dickman and of his heirs and assigns for ever and to and for no other use intent or purpose
- whatsoever and the said Robert Dickman and his heirs the aforesaid premises with the appurtenances hereby granted
- enfeoffed and released or meant mentioned or intended to be hereby granted enfeoffed and released unto the said John Dickman
- his heirs and assigns against him the said Robert Dickman his heirs and assigns and against all other powers and powers
- whatsoever shall and will warrant and for ever defend by those present and this indenture further witnesseth and the
- said John Dickman in consideration of the premises doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and administrators covenant promise
- grant and agree to and with the said Robert Dickman his executors and administrators that the said John Dickman his heirs
- executors and administrators or some of them shall and will well and truly pay or raise to be paid unto the said Robert
- Dickman for and during the term of his natural life one annuity or [clear] yearly sum of thirty shillings of lawful money of England
- free and clear of and from all taxed charged and deductions whatsoever parliamentary or otherwise yearly and every year by four
- even and equal quarterly payments in each and every year at or upon the four most usual feasts or days of payment in the year (that
- is to say) Christmas Day, Lady Day, Midsummer Day and Michaelmas Day the first quarterly payment thereof to be considered as due and to be made and begin on Christmas Day next ensuing the date hereof In witness whereof the said parties to these present have
- hereunto set their names and seals the day and year first above written
- Robert Dickman
- John Dickman