1861 Indenture and transfer of mortgage.
- The mortgage on the property is repaid by/transferred to Mary Ann Wiles on the 10th April 1861 – payment of £77.12s. is made to Joseph Barnett by Mary Ann Wiles.
- Later documents appear to confirm that the mortgage arrangement was brought to an end because there was a default in the payment of interest due in January 1861.
- “… the sum of seventy pounds with interest thereon after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum on the twenty eight day of January then next (but in payment whereof default was made) And the said Indenture now in recital contains a power enabling the said Joseph Barnett after default in payment of the said principal money or interest to sell the same hereditaments and premises and apply the money arising from the sale thereof in satisfaction of the said principal money interest and expenses and to pay the then ultimate proceeds if any unto the said William Wiles his heirs or assigns …”
- “the said sum of seventy pounds together with two pounds nine shillings for the interest thereon from the twenty eight day of July last and five pounds three shillings for costs is now owing to the said Joseph Barnett”
- Later documents appear to confirm that the mortgage arrangement was brought to an end because there was a default in the payment of interest due in January 1861.
- William Collishaw now owns the house, south of the plot, where Ann Wright previously lived (see 1885 notes in relation to the Collishaw family connections).
- Job Marson’s son, William, is now resident in his father’s property north and west of the plot.
Joseph Barnett.
- 1841 census (Hickling Pastures, all born ‘in county’):
- Thomas Barnett age 50 1791 – farmer
- Joseph Barnett age 45 1796 – farmer
- Mary Spittle age 50 1791 – female servant
- Elizabeth Tinkler age 30 1811 – female servant
- 1851 census (Keyworth):
- Thomas Barnett; unmarried, age 64, 1787, retired farmer, born Hickling
- Joseph Barnett; unmarried, age 56, 1795, retired farmer, born Hickling
- Elizabeth Tinkler; age 40, 1811, house servant, born Widmerpool
- Thomas Barnett of Keyworth; probate record – £300 July 1855
- Joseph Barnett married Elizabeth Tinkler; 5th August 1856 in Keyworth (following the death of his brother, Thomas)
- The document refers to Joseph Barnett as ‘late of Hickling’ (meaning he no longer lives in Hickling rather than that he has died).
- 1861 census (Keyworth)
- Joseph Barnett; married, age 66, 1795, retired farmer, born Hickling
- Elizabeth Barnett; married, age 50, 1811, retired farmer’s wife, born Widmerpool
- Joseph Barnett died 15th May 1867 and was buried in Widmerpool on the 20th May 1867 (his wife’s birthplace):
- Probate record: Wills 1867 – Barnett Joseph. Effects under £3,000. 15th July. The Will of Joseph Barnett late of Keyworth in the County of Nottingham Yeoman deceased who died 15 May 1867 at Keyworth aforesaid was proved at Nottingham by the oath of Elizabeth Barnett of Keyworth aforesaid Widow the Relict the sole Executrix.
William Wiles (father).
- Census 1841: there are two records for William Wiles in Hickling: The mortgagee is: William Wiles (agricultural labourer age 45 b.1796, Stapleford, Leics); Elizabeth Wiles (age 45 b.1796, born Hickling); Mary Wiles (age 15 b.1826); Thomas Wiles (age 14 b.1827).
- William Wiles (age 20, b.1821, Hickling) as a man servant in the household of Bridget Daft (age 70) and her two sons, George (age 30), Thomas (age 25); this is the son of the above family and he is back in the household in the 1851 census as a labourer.
- William Wiles married Elizabeth Dickman in Melton Mowbray on 25th November 1813 – both were resident in Sysonby at the time.
- They have 7 children; John (died as a baby), George*, William, Elizabeth Anne, Mary Anne, Thomas and John.
- Elizabeth Dickman is the eldest daughter of John and Susannah Dickman born 1790 (indenture 1805 and extract from Parish registers 1838) although her birth date in the 1841 census is given as 1796 and in 1851 as 1792.
- William Wiles died 2ndQ 1855 (Bingham District)
- Elizabeth (Dickman) Wiles died age 70 in 1859; she was buried in Hickling on 15th October 1859.
- (see also records for Glebe Cottage; George* and Martha Wiles)
Ann (Dickman) Wright.
- Ann (Dickman) Wright was baptised in Hickling on the 29th January 1800.
- She married William Thraves Wright on 23rd November 1819 in Hickling; they had six known children. Ann Wright was widowed in July 1832 – William died of Asiatic cholera (see notes on 1838 declaration).
- Ann Wright was one of John Dickman’s 3 daughters; her third share in the property was bought out in 1838 when this mortgage was established.
- At that time, she resided in the property to the south of this one (now Carneal Cottage)
- Census 1841:
- Ann Wright age 40, 1801
- Elizabeth Wright age 20, 1821
- Esther Wright age 15, 1826
- George Wright age 12, 1829
- Thomas Wright age 10, 1831
- Ann Wright died age 48 in 1848; she was buried in Hickling on the 19th March 1848.
William Wiles (son).
- Born Hickling, baptised 27th June 1819, he is the second surviving son of William and Elizabeth (Dickman) Wiles
- Census 1841; William Wiles (age 20, b.1821, Hickling) is a man servant in the household of Bridget Daft (age 70) and her two sons, George (age 30), Thomas (age 25);
- Census 1851; he is living in his parents’ household, age 30, labourer.
- Census 1861;
- William Wiles; head, unmarried, age 41, 1820, Ag Lab (born Hickling)
- Mary Ann Wiles; sister, unmarried, age 36, 1825, dressmaker (born Hickling)
- Mary Ann Wiles; niece, age 14, 1847, scholar (born Hickling)
- William Wiles died (unmarried) age 46 and was buried in Hickling on 21st July 1865.
- His sister, Mary Ann Wiles, appears to have remained resident in the property.
Mary Ann Wiles.
- Mary Ann Wiles was born in Hickling; baptised 9th May 1824
- She is the unmarried daughter of William and Elizabeth (Dickman) Wiles and sister of William Wiles (born 1819).
- Census 1851; she is living in her parents’ household – age 26, unmarried, dressmaker.
- Census 1861;
- William Wiles; head, unmarried, age 41, 1820, Ag Lab (born Hickling)
- Mary Ann Wiles; sister, unmarried, age 36, 1825, dressmaker (born Hickling)
- Mary Ann Wiles; niece, age 14, 1847, scholar (born Hickling)
- Census 1871; Mary Ann Wiles is listed on her own, age 45, tambourer
- Census 1881; Mary Ann Wiles is listed on her own, age 55
- Mary Ann Wiles died age 64 in 1888; she was buried in Hickling 11th May 1888
- Note; this is 3 years after the property is conveyed to Betsy Collishaw – it isn’t known where she lived in these years but there were several members of the Wiles family living in Hickling at this time.
William and Elizabeth (Whittle) Collishaw.
- This William Collishaw is shown in the 1861 record (below); he doesn’t appear to be directly related to either the Waterlane Farm or Wharf Collishaws – see 1885 family notes.
- Census 1851; 3 different households:
- William Collishaw; age 74, 1777, farmer of 180 acres – born Hickling
- Ann Collishaw; age 71, 1780 – born Hickling
- Ann Collishaw; daughter, unmarried, age 36, 1815 – born Wysall
- William Collishaw; son, unmarried, age 35, 1816 – born Wysall
- Jane Collishaw; daughter, age 32, 1819 – born Hickling
- Sarah Collishaw; daughter, unmarried, age 31, 1820 – born Hickling
- Ann Smith; house servant, age 17, 1834 – born Hickling
- John Wiles; land servant, age 21, 1830 – born Hickling (brother of William & Mary Ann Wiles)
- And:
- William Collishaw; age 67, 1784, farmer – born Hickling
- Jane Collishaw; wife, age 54, 1797 – born Clawson, Leics
- Elizabeth Collishaw; daughter, age 19, 1832 – born Hickling
- And:
- William Collishaw; head, age 26, 1825, carpenter (sole household)
- Census 1861;
- William Collishaw; married, age 36, baker & carpenter – born Hickling
- Elizabeth Collishaw; wife, age 37 – born Barnston, Notts
- Thomas Edward Collishaw; son, age [3 or 5], scholar – born Hickling
- William [Fredric] Collishaw; son, age 6 months – born Hickling
- Dated 10th April 1861
- Mr Joseph Barnett }
- To } Transfer of mortgage of an Estate
- Miss Mary Ann Wiles } at Hickling in the County of Nottingham
- Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within ~
- Named Joseph Barnett before being first duly stamped in the presence of
- [… Marshall Sols Nottm]
- Received the day and year first within written of and }
- from the within named Mary Ann Wiles the sum of seventy } £ s.
- seven pounds twelve shillings within mentioned to be by } 77..12.
- her paid to me }
- Joseph Barnett
- Witness
- [… Marshall]
Indenture – mortgage transfer:
- Indenture
- Made the tenth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty one between
- Joseph Barnett late of Hickling in the County of Nottingham but now of Keyworth in the same County ~
- Farmer of the one part and Mary Ann Wiles of Hickling aforesaid spinster of the other part. Whereas by Indentures
- of lease and release and mortgage dated respectively the twenty seventh and twenty eight days of July one thousand
- eight hundred and thirty eight the indenture of release and mortgage being made between John Marson and Mary
- his wife of the first part Ann Wright of the second part William Wiles and Elizabeth his wife of the third part the said
- William Wiles of the fourth part and the said Joseph Barnett of the fifth part for the consideration therein mentioned
- the messuage or tenement hereditaments and premises hereinafter described and intended to be hereby conveyed with the appurtenances now stand limited to the use of the said Joseph
- Barnett his heirs and assigns subject nevertheless to proviso therein contained for redemption and reconveyance thereof unto the said William Wiles his heirs or assigns for his or
- their own absolute use or as he or they should direct on payment by the said William Wiles his heirs executors administrators or assigns [inserted above; unto the said Joseph Barnett his heirs executors administrators or assigns] of the sum of seventy pounds with interest
- thereon after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum on the twenty eight day of January then next (but in payment whereof default was made) And the said Indenture now in
- recital contains a power enabling the said Joseph Barnett after default in payment of the said principal money or interest to sell the same hereditaments and premises and apply the money
- arising from the sale thereof in satisfaction of the said principal money interest and expenses and to pay the then ultimate proceeds if any unto the said William Wiles his heirs or assigns
- And whereas the said sum of seventy pounds together with two pounds nine shillings for the interest thereon from the twenty eight day of July last and five pounds three shillings
- for costs is now owing to the said Joseph Barnett on the said [recited] security And Whereas the said Mary Ann Wiles has agreed to pay to the said Joseph Barnett the said sums
- of seventy pounds two pounds nine shillings and five pounds three shillings making together the sum of seventy seven pounds twelve shillings upon having such transfer of the said
- mortgage debt and of the securities for the same as is hereinafter contained Now This Indenture Witnesseth that in pursuance of the said agreement and in
- consideration of the sum of seventy seven pounds twelve shillings paid to the said Joseph Barnett by the said Mary Ann Wiles the receipt whereof the said Joseph Barnett doth hereby
- acknowledge he the said Joseph Barnett doth hereby assign unto the said Mary Ann Wiles her executors administrators and assigns All that the said sum of seventy pounds now
- owing to the said Joseph Barnett on the security aforesaid and all interest now due and henceforth to accrue due for the same and the full benefit of the covenants entered
- into by the said William Wiles in the said indenture of the twenty eight day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight and of all other securities for the same premises
- and all the Estate and interest of the said Joseph Barnett therein and thereto To Hold the said premises unto the said Mary Ann Wiles her executors administrators and assigns
- absolutely And This Indenture Further Witnesseth that in further pursuance of the said agreement and for the consideration aforesaid the said Joseph Barnett
- doth hereby grant release and convey unto the said Mary Ann Wiles her heirs and Assigns All that messuage or tenement with the buildings yard garden and appurtenances
- thereunto adjoining and belonging situate standing and being in Hickling aforesaid containing by estimation four hundred square yards or thereabouts (more or less) ~ ~
- formerly in the tenure or occupation of John Dickman late of the said William Wiles (since deceased) and now of William Wiles his son and bounded towards the East by
- the Town Street towards the North and West by premises of William Marson and towards the south by premises of William Collishaw together with all and singular the rights members
- and appurtenances whatsoever to the said messuage or tenement hereditaments and premises or any part thereof belonging or appertaining or with the same or any part
- thereof now or heretofore held used or enjoyed or reputed as part or member thereof or appurtenant thereto and all the estate and interest of the said Joseph Barnett in and to
- the said premises and every part thereof To Have And to Hold the said messuage or tenement hereditaments and premises with their appurtenances unto the said
- Mary Ann Wiles her heirs and assigns to the use of the said Mary Ann Wiles her heirs and assigns subject nevertheless to the equity of redemption subsisting therein under or by
- Virtue of the said Indenture of the twenty eighth day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight and with the benefit of the power of sale therein contained And
- The said Joseph Barnett doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and administrators covenant with the said Mary Ann Wiles her heirs executors and administrators
- Respectively that the said sum of seventy pounds with interest thereon from the said twenty eight day of July last up to the day hereof is owing to him the said Joseph Barnett
- On the aforesaid security And that he the said Joseph Barnett hath not made done or knowingly suffered or been party or privy to any act deed or thing whereby the
- Said premises hereinbefore assigned and conveyed respectively or any part thereof respectively can be impeached incumbered or affected in any wise howsoever In
- Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written
- Joseph Barnett (signature and seal)

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage

Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage
Old Mill Cottage: 1861 indenture and transfer of mortgage