Henry Orson of Eaton 1573 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1573
In the name of god amen the yeare of our salvacion 1571 I Henrye Orssonne of Eyton Synglemand Sycke of bodye but perfect in mynde & memorie doe ordayne & make this my laste will as Followethe
Firste I bequethe my Soule into the mersyfull tuition of almightie god and to his Sonne Jesus christe my onlye Savioure and redemer and my body to be buryed in the churcheof Eyton aforesaid
I geve to the cathedralle churche of Lincoln iiiid
I geve to the poore mens boxe of Eyton xiid
I geve to Thomas Orson Sonne of Willm Orson xls
I geve to Henrie Orson of Waltham xls
I geve to John Orson Sonne of Willm Orsonne xls
I geve to John Orson the yonger sonne of Willm Orsonne xls
I geve to Johanne Orsonne dowghter of Willm Orson xls
I geve to Margaret Orson xls
I geve to Willm Orson the yonger xls
I geve to Katherine Orsonne dowghter of Willm Orson xls
I geve to Roberte Orson Willm Orsonne his sonne xls
I geve to Richard Orson sonne of Willm Orsonne xls
I geve to Hewe Orsonne sonne of Thomas Orsonn vis viiid
I geve to Henrye Orsonn Sonne of Thomas Orson xs
I geve to Eliz Orson dowghter of Thomas Orson vis viiid
I geve to Marie Orson dowghter of Thomas Orson vis viiid
I geve to Agnes Orson vis viiid
I geve to Margaret Orsonne dowghter of Thomas Orson xs
I geve to vi chyldren of Richard Orson of Eyton vs apece
I geve to Ellis Bachouse cheldren eyter of theym vs
I geve to Thomas Orson sonne of Thoms Orson vis viiid
I geve to John Orson sonne of Olyver Orson xxs
I geve to Ayles Backhouse chyldren amongeste them a Horse the which their father hyred of me
I geve to Katherin Wytte vis viiid
I geve to ii Chyldren of Allexander Grey of Eyton iiis
I geve to Margaret Orson wyffe of Olyver Orson xxs
I geve to Richard Gervis Smythe the rye lande that I have of Allexander Grey
Also my will is that my godchildren Willm Symson and Henrie Wachehorne shall have of my executors eyther of them xiid
Further my will is that my executors shall bye betwixt theym by even portions of my goods an honeste and Substanciall yoke of oxen for to tyll and dresse the land of my brothers that is John Orson dwelling in Northstoke and my brother Olyver Orson of Eyton and the said Olyver and John to have theym and occupie theym to theire proper use Further my will is that they shall not sell the said yocke of oxen nor change theym except they be both agreed to the same
The rest of all my goods moveable & unmoveable my detts paid and legacies performed I geve to Olyver Orson and Thomas Orson sonne of Willm Orson whom I make my full executors of this my laste testament
Also I will that Allexander Grey be my supervisor of this my will and he to have for his paines iiis iiiid
Wittnes hereof Willm Squire clerke Allexander Grey Steven Belley [Bailey?] with other moe
Probate Leicester 28 May 1572