John Orson of Harby 1825 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1825
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Orson of Harby in the County of Leicester Grazier
I give and devise all my Messuages Closes Lands Tenements Hereditaments and real Estate whatsoever situate and being in Harby aforesaid and Hose in the said County of Leicester with the Appurtenances unto my dear Wife Ann Orson and her Assigns for her Life and from and immediately after her Decease I give and devise the said Messuages Closes Lands Tenements Hereditaments and real Estate so Situate at Harby and Hose aforesaid unto my eldest Son William Orson his Heirs and Assigns for ever charged with the Payment of the Sum of Two hundred Pounds which I do hereby give and bequeath unto my youngest Son John Orson and which I will and direct shall be paid to him within six Months after the Death of my said Wife Ann Orson
I give and devise all and every my Messuages Closes Lands Tenements Hereditaments and real Estate whatsoever situate standing lying and being in Willoughby in the County of Nottingham, which was devised to me by the late John Garton Esquire deceased with their Appurtenances unto my said Wife Ann Orson and her Assigns for her Life and from and immediately after her Decease I give and devise the said last mentioned Messuages Closes Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with the Appurtenances unto my said eldest Son William Orson and my Nephew John Orson of Harby in the said County of Leicester Carpenter their Executors Administrators and Assigns for and during and unto the full End and Term of five hundred Years from thence next then ensuing and fully to be complete and ended without Impeachment 0f Waste In Trust nevertheless and to the Intent and Purpose that they the said William Orson and John Orson or the Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators do and shall by Sale or Mortgage of the said Term of five hundred Years or by such other ways or Means as they or the Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators shall think proper to raise and levy or borrow and take up at Interest the Sum of One thousand Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain And upon further Trust that they the said William Orson and John Orson or the Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators do and shall place out at Interest upon good and sufficient Security or Securities the said Sum of one thousand Pounds and call in and place the same out again upon other good and sufficient Security or Securities in such manner as they the said William Orson and John Orson or the Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators shall from Time to Time think fit and pay and apply the yearly Interest Dividends and Proceed of the said Sum of one thousand Pounds unto my daughter Mary Orson for the Term of her Life And after her Decease then that my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators do and shall pay and apply the said yearly Rent Dividends and Proceed of the said Sum of one thousand Pounds unto any Husband of my said Daughter Mary Orson which she may marry and leave behind her at her Death
And from and immediately after the Decease of my said Daughter Mary Orson and of such Husband (if any) which she may leave behind her Then upon further Trust and Confidence that they the said William Orson and John Orson or the Survivor of them or this Executors or Administrators do and shall pay and apply the said Sum of one thousand Pounds or any Part thereof unto all or any one or more of the Child or Children of my said Daughter Mary Orson lawfully to be begotten or to the lawful Issue of such Child or Children in such manner and Form and in such Shares and Proportions as she the said Mary Orson shall notwithstanding her Coverture by any Deed or Instrument in Writing in her Life Time or by her last Will and Testament in Writing or any Writing in the Nature thereof duly executed and attested direct or appoint so that such Direction or Appointment doth not extend to the Payment of the said Sum of one thousand Pounds or any Part thereof to any such Child or Children before the Age of twenty one years
And in Default of such Direction or Appointment and in Case any such shall be made not extending to the whole of the said Sum of one thousand Pounds Then upon Trust that they the said William Orson and John Orson or the Survivor of them or his Executor or Administrators do and shall pay and apply the whole of the said Sum of one thousand Pounds or such Part thereof whereof no Direction or Appointment shall be made by my said Daughter Mary Orson unto and amongst all and every the Child or Children of my said Daughter Mary Orson lawfully to be begotten or to their lawful Issue equally to be divided between them if more than one Share and Share alike And in case of one such Child only then to such one Child or its Issue the said Sum of one thousand Pounds to be paid to and divided amongst such Child or Children or their Issue at the Age of twenty one Years and the Interest of his her or their several Portions in the mean Time to be applied in their Maintenance and Education Provided that in Case any of the Child or Children of my said Daughter Mary Orson shall die without Issue under the Age of twenty one years then the Share or Shares of him her or them so dying shall go and be paid to the Survivors and Survivor of them
But in case my said Daughter Mary Orson shall die without Issue or such Issue shall die without leaving Issue under the Age of twenty one years Then I do give and bequeath the said Sum of one thousand Pounds to so directed to be raised for my said Daughter and her Children as aforesaid unto my said two Sons William Orson and John Orson and their respective Executors and Administrators Share and Share alike
And from and after the Expiration or Determination of the said Term of five hundred Years created for the Purposes aforesaid and in the mean Time subject thereto I give and devise all the said Messuage Closes Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and real Estate situate at Willoughby aforesaid unto my said youngest Son John Orson his Heirs and Assigns for ever Provided always and my Will is that they the said William Orson and John Orson my Nephew or the Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators shall not be answerable or accountable for any more of the said Trust Money than shall actually come into their Hands by Virtue of this my Will nor the one for the other of them or for the Acts Deeds or Defaults of each other but each for his own Acts Deeds and Defaults only nor shall be answerable or accountable for any Loss which may happen by Failure of any Security or otherwise except such Loss shall be occasioned by his or their wilful Neglect or Default
Whereas on the Marriage of my said youngest Son John Orson I gave to him all the Goods Stock and Effects upon the Farm which he now occupies at Old Dalby Now I do hereby confirm the said Gift to him in every Respect
And all other my Goods Chattels Cattle ready Money Securities for Money and all other my Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever which I may die possessed of subject to the Payment of my Debts and funeral Expences I give and bequeath unto my said eldest Son William Orson whom I do hereby nominate and appoint Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I the said John Orson the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained on three Sheets of Paper set my Hand and Seal in Manner following (that is to say) to the two first of the said Sheets my Hand and to this last my Hand and Seal the first day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six
John Orson
Signed sealed published and declared by the said John Orson the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who have at his Request in his Presence and in the Presence of each other subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto
Chas Latham Junr
Sarah Latham
Robt Latham
Melton Mowbray Oct 27 1825
Let a probat be granted to William Orson of Harby in the County of Leicester the Grazier the sole Executor named in the Will of the within named John Orson Grazier deceased
He the said William Orson having been sworn as well to the faithful Execution of the Will as that the Testator’s Goods Chattels and Credits as they were at his death without deducting any debts owing by him therefrom do not amount in value to the Sum of Twenty Pounds
Before me William Greenwood Surrogate to the Official
Same day Probate passed the Seal
John Stockdale Hardy Registrar
Deced died in the month of August last