Thomas Orson of Chadwell 1583 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1583/55
In the name of god Amen, the xi of Aprill and in the yeare of our lorde god a thoursande five hundrethe fourscore and three etc I Thomas Orsson of Calldwell in the Countye of Lecester husbandman somewhat sicke & deseased in bodie, but neverthelesse, of mynde & memorie wholle and perfecte, do make and declare this my laste will and testament in maner and forme followinge
Firste with hartie repentance to god for my sines paste I willinglie, and godes pleasure, do comitte my soolle to my onlye lorde and savioure, and my bodie to be buried in the Churche yearde of Calldwell and Wickam, where my executors shall thinke most convenient for the same
Item I geve to the Churche of Calldwell and Wickam iid
Also I geve to Cassanndar my wyfe the on hallffe of my goodes througheout, and the other hallffe of my goodes I geve to my chilldren and the same to be devided amongeste them by eaven portions
And if the child withe the wiche my wife is now withe, do lyve and cume to perfette age, I will that the same chillde shall have as good parte, & portion of my goodes, as the other my saide chilldren shall have
Item I geve to Elizabeth Seede, my servante, on yewe lambe
Also I will and comande theire be paide to my brethren and sisters xvs
Item I will that theire be paide unto Willm Smithe of Scallforde xxths
Item I will that their be paid unto Willm Simpson of Calldwell xiiiis
Also that George Proppar of Goadbie is endettede unto me iiiis iiid
Also I will that Allexander Flowar, my wives brother, shalbe executor with my wiffe, for the behooffe of my chilldren, and for his paines takinge I will that he have vs and all his charges borne
Also I make supervisor of this my laste will and testament John Orsson my brother, and he for his paines taking shall have vis viiid and all his charges borne
The reste of my goodes, not bequethed, my dettes paide, all legaces performed, and my funeralles dischargede, I geve to Cassanndar my wiffe, whom I make my fulle, and soolle executor of this my last will and testament
Theis being witnesses also, Johen Smithe Thomas Closse Henrye Simpsone Johne Orsson and Edward Hardie
An Invetorye of all the goodes corne and cattell wiche were Thomas Orssons of Calldwell latelye deseased praised by fyve honeste and discrete persons the xxii of Aprill Johne Smithe Thomas Closse Willm Broxome Johne Orsson Christofer Campion anno domini 1583
Firste his apparell praised to | xxs |
Item the tabell in the halle, on forme, on chaire, and the painted clothes in the howse withe ii | |
cushinges praised to | vs |
Item the Cubarde in the halle praised to | xs |
Item the pewter uppon the cubarde with on chaffingdishe, ii candell stickes and ii salltes | |
praised to | xvis viiid |
Item all the brasse uppon the dishbinke with the dishbinke | iii li |
Item on paire of tonges, on spitte, on brandyron, a fyare pane a hatchete, a paire of pothooks | |
withe other smalle Iron praised to | iiix |
Item all the Tubes, pealles, dishes, and all other woden vesselles about the house praised to | xxs |
Item all the Bakon in the housse praised to | xxs |
Item on featherbed in the parloure, uppon the prassor, ii bedes with the clothes belonginge | |
thereunto praised to | iii li vis viiid |
Item xvi paire of sheites, and on ode sheite, ii webs of clothe with napkinges and other small | |
linninge ware praised to | v li |
Item ii Coffars in the parloure with ii formes praised to | xiiis iiiid |
Item on bedsteade in the chamber, a sadell, a lininge weille and a wollinge weille with other | |
small stuffe praised to | xs |
Item fyve kye and ii Yonge callves and on yeareling praised to | vii li |
Item fyve mares praised to | vii li |
Item the carte and carte geares, plowe and plowe geares, with a littell other small woode | |
praised to | xlvis viiid |
Item iiii Iron harrowes praised to | xs |
Item on hovel, ii sheip crebes, ii laddars, neate standinges with other offoolde woode and | |
toolles praised to | xlvis viiid |
Item Rye, barley, mawllte, and pease, withe a littell haye praised to | xiii li vis viiid |
Item all the Swyne praised to | xxxiiis iiiid |
Item viis stone of woolle praised to | lvis |
Item all the sheipe praised to | xxi li |
Item sheipe traites praised to | iiiis |
Item xiii hennes, and a Coke, on goose and her broode | vs |
Summa | lxxv li xiiis |