John Oswin of Scalford 1829 will
National Archives PROB 11/1750/332
This is the Last Will and Testament of me John Oswin of Scalford in the County of Leicester Gentleman as follows
I give and devise all those my six Messuages or Tenements with the appurts situate in Scalford aforesaid in the several tenures of myself Thomas Burbidge Richard Birch Thomas Hewardine Widow Morris and one Untenanted and also all that Close in Scalford aforesaid called Middle Cliffe in the tenure of Henry Oswin with the appurts unto my Niece Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Shelton of Uverley [?] Brow Hyde near Manchester her heirs and assigns for Ever
I give and devise all those other six Tenements or Dwellinghouses with the appurts situate in Scalford aforesaid with Gardens and Home Close adjoining thereto in the several tenure of Widow Granger [blank] Thornton Mary Fann Widow Fox Widow Wilford and John Hawley which I purchased of Mr Barker unto my Relation and Housekeeper Frances Mee and her assigns during her natural life and after her decease I give and devise the said last mentioned Tenements or Dwellinghouses homeclose and heredits thereto belonging with the appurts unto my said Niece Elizabeth Shelton her heirs and assigns for Ever
I give and devise all my Real Estate situate at Ketton in the County of Rutland with the appurtenances to the same belonging in the Tenure of my Nephew Thomas Wilford unto him the said Thomas Wilford his heirs and assigns for Ever Subject Nevertheless to the payment of the Sum of Twenty pounds and Interest due to me on Note together with all Rent which may be owing at the time of my death which I hereby give to my Executor hereinafter named
I give unto John Shelton Son of the said Thomas and Elizabeth Shelton the Sum of One thousand pounds
Unto my Nephew Edward Wilford of Great Easton in the said County of Rutland the Sum of Three hundred pounds
Unto my Nephew William Wilford of Ketton aforesaid the Sum of one hundred pounds
Unto my Niece Mary Beastall of Melton Mowbray the Sum of one hundred pounds
Unto my Relation Henry Oswin of Scalford aforesaid the like Sum of one hundred pounds
Unto William Wilford the natural Son of my Nephew William Wilford the Sum of Five hundred pounds
Unto Francis And Elizabeth the Son and Daughter of my said Nephew William Wilford the Sum of one hundred pounds apiece
Unto Matthew the Son of my Niece Mary Beastall the Sum of Two hundred pounds
Unto William Beastall the Sum of one hundred pounds
Unto Lucy Denner the Sum of one hundred pounds
Unto Clarissa Gibbs the Sum of Two hundred pounds
Unto John Beastall the Sum of one hundred pounds
Unto John Wilford the Son of my said Nephew Edward Wilford the Sum of Five hundred pounds
All which said several Legacies I will shall be paid to my said several Legatees at the end of Twelve Months after my decease by my Executor and I subject and charge all my personal Estate and Effects with the true payment thereof
I give unto the said Frances … my Bed and Bedding belonging thereto being in her sleeping Room to be delivered to her immediately after my death free from Stamp Duty
All the Remainder of my household Furniture I give unto the said Elizabeth Shelton for her own use to be delivered to her immediately after my decease
Whereas John Henry Denner of the Town of Nottingham Broker (husband of the said Lucy Denner stands indebted to me on two Bonds in the Sum of Eleven hundred pounds Now I do hereby direct shall be given up to him after my death one of the said Bonds which bears date the 18th day of May 1819 conditioned for the payment of the Sum of Six hundred pounds and release him from the payment thereof Subject nevertheless to any Legacy Duty which may be charged thereon
I give and bequeath unto my two Friends Joel Shuttlewood of Scalford aforesaid Gentleman and William Clark of Melton Mowbray Auctioneer the Sum of Two thousand and Four hundred pounds Upon Trust nevertheless that they or the Survivor of them or the Executors or admors of such Survivor do and shall place the same Sum out at Interest on good Security or Securities and pay the same in equal portions unto and amongst the remaining Eight Children of the said Edward Wilford and unto the eight Children of my Nephew Thomas Wilford when and as they severally respectively attain their age and ages of twenty one years the Interest thereof accruing in the meantime I will shall be paid by my said Trustees unto my Executor herein after named But in case any or either of the remaining eight Children of the said Edward Wilford and the eight children of the said Thomas Wilford shall happen to die under age unmarried and without lawful Issue Then I will that the share or shares of the said Principal Monies of him her or them so dying shall go to and be paid unto and amongst the Survivors or Survivor of them said sixteen Children share and share alike And I do hereby appoint the said Joel Shuttlewood and William Clark Guardians for each of the during their respective minorities
And as to all the Rest Residue and Remainder of my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and what nature or kind the same may be not hereinbefore disposed of I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof (Subject to the payment of my just debts legacies funeral and testamentary expences) unto Edward Beastall of Eaton Farmer (Son of my said Niece Mary Beastall) his Executors and admors and I do appoint him sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made
And Lastly my Will is that my said Trustees shall be at liberty out of the said Trust Premises to retain all Costs Charges and Expences they may be at or put to in executing the said Trusts and that neither of them shall be answerable for any thing except their own wilful neglect or default nor one for the other but each for his own acts deeds and defaults only
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26th day of September 1828
The Mark & Seal of John Oswin
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testator John Oswin as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other set our hands as witnesses to the due execution thereof
Charles Mitchil
Thomas Barker
William Bunney
Proved at London 16th January 1829 before the Judge by the oath of Edward Beastall the Great Nephew and sole Executor to whom admon was granted being first Sworn by Comon duly to administer