Palmer William 1697 of Ab Kettleby will and inventory

William Palmer of Ab Kettleby 1697 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives 1697

In the Name of God Amen I William Palmer of Ab Kettleby in the County of Leicester yeoman being in good health and of sound & perfect memory & understanding I blesse god therefore do make & ordayn this my Last will & testament in manner & forme as followeth

First I do truly & willingly resign & yield up my soule into the hands of Almighty God my most mercifull & loveing father hopeing to receive everlasting life and Salvation by & though the alone & alsufficient meritts & satisfaction of Christ Jesus my most blessed Lord and Saviour

My body I comitt to the Earth whence it came to be decently buried at the discretion of Elizabeth my dear & loveing wife & my Executrix herein after named

And concerning my temporall estate & Goods I dispose as followeth

First I give & devise to the said Elizabeth my wife All that my Cottage house or Tenement with one Cow Pasture & … sheep Comons & all other the appurtenances thereunto belonging scituate & being within the Town fields & libertyes of Ab Kettleby aforeaid & now being in my occupation & by me bought & purchased of Thomas March & Mary his wife To hold to her & her assignes for & dureing the Term of her naturall life

And from & Immediately after her decease Then I give & devise the said Cottage house or Tenement Comons Pasture sheep Comons & all and singular other the said premises with their appurtenances & … hereof unto my Cousin Amos Quenby my said wives Nephew & to his heires and assignes for ever

Also I give to my brother Richard Palmer the Legacy or Sum of Ten shillinges & to every one of his children that shalbe living at my Decease Twelve pence

Also I give to my brother John Palmer if he be living at my desease twelve pence

And to my Nephew John Palmer the son of my brother George Palmer Deced the Legacy of Twenty shillings

All which Legacyes my will is shalbe pd by my Executrix out of my personall estate within Six monthes next after my decease

And all the residue of my Goods Creditts Cattle Chatells and personall estate whatsoever (my debts & legacys aforesaid being first paid and satisfied & funerall Discharged) I give & bequeath to my said Dear & loveing wife Elizabeth whom I do ordayn & appoint sole & full Executrix of this my Last will & testament

And I do hereby revoke & Disanull all former willes

And in testimony of the trueth of this my last will & Testament I the said William Palmer have hereunto put my hand & Seale Dated the One & twentieth day of June in the Second year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord & Lady King William & Queen Mary of England Scotland France & Ireland Defender of the Faith &c Ano Dni 1690

                                                                                                         The marke of Wm Palmer

Signed sealed & published by the said Willm Palmer as his last will and testament in the presence of us who did attest the same in the said Testator’s presence

Henry Haynes

John Moore

Geo: Ellyott


December 17th 1697

A True and perfect Inventory of the Goods, Cattel and Chattells of William Palmer of Ab Kettleby in the County of Leicester Yeoman lately deceased as it was taken by us whose names are subscribed

  £ s d
Imprimis In the House A Cupboard & Pewter &c 01 00 00
Item In the Kitchin Brass, Tubbs, and Barrells 00 15 00
Ite In the Chamber Bedding & Other furniture 03 05 00
Ite For Seaven Beasts and a Foale 16 00 00
Ite For Sixteen Sheep, A Sow and Piggs 04 16 00
Ite For Corn Malt & Part of the Pease Stack 15 00 00
Ite Debts Sperate & Desperate 10 00 0
Ite Goods seen & unseen 01 00 00
Ite His wearing Cloaths, Purse, & other Apparell 05 00 00
                                                                                                                   Summ: total 56 16 00

John Moore Sen:

John Moore Jun:

Probate 4 January 1697/8