Pares John 1660 of Ab Kettleby Will

John Pares of Ab Kettleby 1660 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1660

In the name of God Amen the nine and Twentieth day of January in the yeare of our Lord Christ One Thousand Six hundred fiftie & six I John Peares of Ab Kettel by in the Countie of Leic yeoman beinge weake & Sicke in body but of perfect minde & memorie (prayesed be god) doe macke & ordaine this my last will & Tesstament in manner & forme followeinge Revockeinge all others wills formerly made

First I give & bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty god that gave it to mee Trustinge to be saved by the alone meritts of Jesus Christ my onely saviour & Redeemer

Next I give my Body to be buried in the Church yeard of Ab Kettelby at the discretion of my executor hereafter named hopeinge for a ioyefull Resurrection att the Last day

And for my Worldly goods I give & bequeath them in manner & forme followeing

Imprimis I give to the Poorest of my neighbours of Ab Kettelby the Sume of Six shilllinges to be payd the same day they shall Accompanie my Corpse to the Church

Item I give to my Sonne John Peares the Sume of Twentie & eighteene pounds of Lawfull money of England to be payd upon the First day of May next followeinge by my executor

Item I give to my Sonne Roger Peares [water damage, about two words] of Twentie pounds of Lawfull money of England to be paide by my executor upon the first day of [water damage, about three words] after the date hereof & eighteene pounds more of Lawfull money to be payd within one yeare after [water damage, about three words]

To my Sonne William Peares the Sum of Twentie pounds of Lawfull money of England to be paide by my Executor upon the First day of May next ensueinge after the day of the date hereof & eighteene pounds more [water damage, about two words] Money to be payd to him one yeare after

It is my will & desire that my Sonne John Peares shall have [water damage, about two words] of the Stocke that is in Lyncloneshire when the depts & the present is payd

It I give to my Sonne John [water damage, about three words] Lynines that is in one Chest one Coverlide & one fether bed a pillow & a bloullster Two Pewter dishes [water damage, about three words]

Ite I give to my beloved Sonne Micheall Peares all my Rite Titele of all my goods Lands Cattels Chattels [water damage, about one word] Kettelby or else where unbequeathed

The aforesaid Micheall Peares I make my full Sole executor seeing [water damage, about two words] depts & Legacies beinge payd & my funerall Charges discharged Intreateing him to Tacke Sume paynes [water damage, about one word] this my Last Will & Tesstament fulfilled accordinge to the true Intent & meaneinge here [corner of page missing, about two words]

Wittnesse hereof I have hereunto put my hand & Seale the Nine & Twentieth day of Jannuarie [corner of page missing, about two words] of our Lord Christ according to the Computation of the Church of England One Thousand Six Hundred [corner of page missing, about three words]

Sealed & delivered in the Presents of us

Robert Blankly

… Blankly


This is a true Inventory of the goods of John Pares of Ab Kettelby lately deceased in the County of Leic

Imprimis one Mare040000
It two Cows040000
It 3 Score sheepe160000
It Other certayne houshold goods to the value of04000

John Blanckly

Francis Harris

Exhibited 31 January 1660/1