Pares John 1672 of Saxelby Will

John Pares of Saxelby 1672 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1672

In the name of god Amen, I John Pares of Saxulby alias Sausleby in the County of Leicester husbandman being weake of body but of disposeing minde and memory (thankes be given to god) do make & ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (viz)

Imprim I give & bequeath my sole unto almighty god, humbly hopeing through the alone merit of Jesus Christ to be accepted of him, and my body to be decently interr’d at the discretion of my Executrix here after named

And as for the worldly goods where with It hath pleased the Lord to blesse me, I give and bequeath as followeth

Imp: I give and bequeath unto my onely son Joseph Pares the sume of Twenty pound, to be paid by my executrix hereafter named, into the hands of William Holt of Hollwell in the County of Leic yeoman and Michael Pares of Ab Kettleby in the County aforesaid yeom: when and so soon as he the said Joseph shall ataine to the Age of seaven yeares, to be by them the said William and Michael carefully & faithfully improved to and for the benefit & advantage of him the said Joseph, untill he shall arrive to the Age of One and twenty yeares: All which said sume with all increase and improvement of the same my will and desire is, may be paid to the said Joseph when at the age of one and twenty, except what they shall have expended in putting him to an Aprentice, or in his eduction

Also I give and bequeath unto Sarah, Elizabeth and Susannah Pares my three daughters the severall sumes of Ten pounds apeece, to be disposed, improved and paid as the aforesaid sume in every particular

And if it fall out that any of my said Children decease before they attaine the age of seaven or twenty one, my will is that the money be paid into the hands of the said William & Michael at the time thes would have been geaven and improved as abovesaid, and devided between such of them as shall survive, and be alive at One and twenty yeares of age

All the rest of my estate, Cattle Chattell whatsoever (my debts being paid) I Give and bequeath to Mary Pares my deare and Loveing wife And if she dispose her selfe to a marryed estate with any man, after my decease, my will is that within six months after such marriage, she pay or cause to be paid into the hands of the said Will. & Michael the sume of twenty pounds to be improved and equally devided between my Children surviving at the age of one and twenty as aforesaid

Lastly I constitute and ordaine Hir the said Mary my affectionate wife the sole Executrix of this my last will & testament all which I have hereunto put my hand & seal this nineteenth day of March Anno dom: 1669/70

                                                                                                                Sign John Pares

Signed sealed published and delivered in the presence of us

John Woodhouse

Sign John Watchhorne

Probate 3 August 1672


A true & perfect Inventory of all the Goodes Cattell & Chattells of John Pares late of Saxelby in the County of Leic husbandman deceased taken May the 27th Anno Dom 1672 by Willm Nedham, Michael Pares & William Holt

Imprimis his purse & Apparrell500
Item one Table & forme 3 Chayres & in pewter & brasse2100
In the Parlour & Chamber over it   
Item 2 beds & beding 3 Chests 8 payre of Sheetes 8 napkins & 2 stooles600
In the Chamber over the house & an other Chamber   
Item in wheate & Rye & Barley & Mault & Cheeses 2 beds & 3 Chests & some   
wearing Linnen900
In the Coale house   
Item Coales & some Implements ther100
In the kitchin Deary & buttery   
Item 3 brass pans a payre of Quirnes bruing vessel & other Implements ther500
Without the Doores   
Item 2 Cartes & Cart geares plough & plough geares & other Implements of   
Item in …100
Item 7 horses & Mares & 3 younge ones4000
Item 9 Cowes 4 heifers & 3 Calves2700
Item 110 Sheepe & fold of fleakes2800
Item one Sowe ix piggs2100
Item the Crop of Corne6000
Item parte of the hovell, ship cribs, a fan, & other wood in the yarde100
Item thinges unnamed & forgotten    0100
The Summe total is one hundred nintie three poundes & ten Shillinges193100

 Exhibited 3 August 1672

Bond, bound Mary Pares widow of Saxelby, Michael Pares yeoman of Ab Kettleby and William Holt yeoman of Hollwell 3 August 1672, condition bound Mary Pares relict and executrix of will of John Pares of Saxelby to be responsible for the tuition and education of Joseph Pares, Sarah Pares, Elizabeth Pares and Susannah Pares the minor children of the deceased and to provide for their day to day needs and pay their legacies when they come of age

                                                                                                                Signum Maria Pares

                                                                                                                Michaell Pares

                                                                                                                Signum Willm Holt