Pares John 1731 of Ab Kettleby Will

John Pares of Ab Kettleby 1731 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1731

In the name of God Amen the foreteenth day of March 1724 According to the computation of the church of England I John Peares of Abketleby in the county of Leicester yeoman Being of perfect Memory and Rememberance praised be God doe Make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following

First I Bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker hopeing that through the meritorious death passion of Jesus Christ my only saviour and Redeemer to Receive free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and as for my body to be Buried in Christian buriall at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter Nominated

Item I give unto Elizabeth my Wife my cottage House being in Abketleby with the apportinance there unto belonging for ever to despose of as shee shall thinke good

Item I give unto my son Edward Greaves and his Wife Twelve pence a piece to be paid to them after my decease

Item I give unto Elizabeth my wife one yard Land and a halfe and one cloas called Shitle craft and three acres of Meddowe Lying in the woulds within the Liberties of Abketleby with all the appurtinances there unto be Longing

All the rest of my goods and chatels and parsnell Estate whatsoever I give unto Elizabeth my Wife upon condition that shee shall pay all my debts and Legacies and funerall charges and Make her my Sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament and utterly Revoke all former wills that hath been by me made

In witness whereof I here unto have set my hand and seale

                                                                                                                John Peares

Signed and sealed by the Testator in the presence of

William Furmidge

The marke of William Pulford

Tho Adcock

Item I give unto the poore of Abketleby the sume of ten shillings to be desposed on as my Executrix Shall think fit within Six Months after my decease

Executrix sworn 1 February 1731/2

Janry 3d 1731/2

Inventory of all the goods Cattle & Chattells of John Pearse deced

Purse & Apparrell010000
In the house, Two Tables, Six Chairs & Pewter one Landiron010500
In the Parlour, one Chest, one Table, 2 Chairs000800
In the Chamber, 2 Beds, one Chest of Drawers one Chest two Chairs one   
Table one looking Glass010500
In the Chine, one Copper 2 pans 2 pails010200
Wheat Barley & pease thrashed & unthrashed030000
Three Cows & one Heifer070000
Seven Sheep020200
Things unseen & forgotten000300

Taken & appraised by us

William Freckingham

The mark of Edward Guy