Pares Robert 1639 of Scalford Will

Robert Pares of Scalford 1639 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/250/123 and probate copy

In the name of God Amen I Robert Pares of Scalford in the County of Leicester Laborer the two & twentyth day of May Anno Dni 1639 beinge weake & sick in bodye but of good & perfect memory God bee praysed therefore doe ordayne & make this my Last will & testament in manner & forme followinge that is to say

First I give and bequeath my Soule to Allmightye god my Creator hopeinge & trusting assuredly through his mercy and the only meritts of Jesus Christ my only Savior & Redeemer to bee partaker of life everlasting And my bodye I give & bequeath to the Earth from whence it was taken to bee buryed in Christian buriall in the Church yard of Scalford aforesayd att the discrecon of my Executors

And for the worldly goodes whereof God hath endowed me I doe alsoe dispose of them in manner & form followinge vizt

First I doe make and ordaine Edmund Bardsey Doctor of Divinitye of Scalford aforesayd And my Wife Margett Pares the Executors of this my will & testament

Next itt is my will & desire that my two Cottages in Scalford aforesayd shalbe allyened & sould vizt the Cottage house Comons and appurtenances whatsoever nowe in the tenure & occupacon of William Robinson and the Cottage house with the Close adioyneinge and with the other appurtenances whatsoever nowe in the tenure of Edward Webster Wm Daft Hugh Widdeson & my assignes shall be aliened & sould by Edmund Bardsey & Margarett Pares my sayd executors according to their discrecons and they shall have full and absolute power to sell confirme & assure the same to the buers thereof and execute all thinges for the Assureance thereof in One forme of Lawe in such sort and as if the sayd Robert Pares my selfe att this present might may or can confirme and assure the same

Item I doe give & bequeath unto my wife Margarett Pares the dwelling house wherein I doe nowe dwell the Close and appurtenences whatsoever dureinge the tyme of her naturall life And after her decease itt is my will and meaneinge that the same house with which appurences shall come & discend to Frances Leavers my Grandchild in Lawe & to her heires for ever Provided alwayes that if shee the sayd Frances Leavers shall ether before marriage demeasne and Carrye herselfe incontinently unchastly & dishonestly by way of Adultery or fornicacon especially or att any tyme here after Contract Matrimony with any man without the full consent and agreement of my sayd Executors Edmund Bardsey & Margarett Pares first had Then itt is my will & meaneinge that this my guift & bequest of the sayd house & appurtences shalbe utterly voyd & to noe effect for and to the benefit of her the sayd Frances Leavers & her heires And that then thenforth uppon the sayd misdemeanor Contumacye & disorderly carriage of the sayd Frances Leavers my sayd Executors Edmund Bardsey & Margarett Pares shall have full power and authorytye to alien sell assure and Convey the sayd house with thapputenances and the sayd Close to any other person And the money  or prize which they shall covenant to have for the same shalbe thus disposed of vizt

They shall give & pay unto her the sayd Frances Leavers tenne pounds of good & lawfull money of England when shee shall be marryed or within one halfe yeare after her marriage which sayd Tenne pounds shall bee in lieu in full discharge of her porcon att any tyme hereafter to bee had & taken forth of the goods Chattels & Lands whatsoever of mee the sayd Robert Pares And the remaynder of the money whatsoever shalbe given payd and distributed by equall porcons amongst my five kinsefolke videlt Thomas Pares the sonne of Hugh Pares James Pares the sonne of John Pares Elizabeth Pares als Hart the daughter of Hugh Pares & the now wife of Willm Hart, John Pares the sonne of John Pares & Robert Frecke and to their heires severally

Item I doe further give and bequeath to my sayd five kinsefolke Thomas Pares James Pares Elizabeth Pares als Hart John Pares & Robert Frecke and to every of them and to their several heires the sume of one & twentye pounds of good & lawfull money of England to bee payd unto them by Edmund Bardsey within one yeare & a halfe next after the decease of me the sayd Robert Pares & my wife Margarett Pares for itt is my Will & meaneing that my sayd wife Margarett shall have the profit of the sayd Cottages till they bee sould & aliened And after the sale the money likewise which is taken for them, or else the profit of the money shall come to her and bee for her use dureinge her naturall life

And my Will & desire further is that if in my wife Margaretts tyme sale bee not made of the sayd two Cottages and their appurtenances or if the sayd house & appurtenances (in the case provided) Then it is my full will & absolute meaneinge that the sayd Edmund Bardsey & his assignes shall have full power & authority to sell alien assure & Convay the sayd two Cottages with their severall appurtenances and alsoe the sayd other house & appurtenances (in the Case provided) to the buyers thereof and to their heires for ever and the money to be had & taken for the same to give & distribute accordinge to the true intent & meaneing of this my will & testament

Item itt is my will and request that my kinseman James Pares doe his endeavor & use his best skill to get & procure one debt of twentye pounds oweinge to me from John Neale the sonne of William Neale of Ab Kettelby and wch I did longe since lend unto him

Item I doe give to my wife Margarte Pares all my househould goods And in case that shee doe hereafter marry with any other man or goe elsewhere to continue & live with John Leavers her sonne, Then itt my will that shee shall only have the aforesayd househould goods & tenne pounds more of good & lawfull [“money” missing] of England payd to her by my other executor Edmund Bardsey or his Assigns within three months after her goeinge to live with her sayd sonne or marriage, And that thenceforth the sayd Margaret shall have nothinge att all to doe with any of my other Lands Lease Cattell Chattells or goods whatsoever but the same wholly entire shall bee all left come to and remaine in the hands of my other executor Edmund Bardsey & his assignes to bee disposed of given and distributed by him according to the meaneinge of this my will and as itt is herein sett devised and lymitted that is to saye

All my debts guifts bequests Legacyes and all funerall Charges beinge first payd discharged and defaulted The residue or Remainder of my Landes Leases Cattel Chattells & other goods whatsoever unbequeathed I doe hereby give & bequeath them all to my sayd Executors Edmund Bardsey & Margarett Pres willing & desireinge them to pay & give unto my sayd Grandchild in Law Francis Leavers One hundred pounds more of good & lawfull money of England over & besides the Revercon & Reminder of the dwellinge house formerly in this my last will bequeathed unto her and wherein I the sayd Robert Pares doe att this tyme dwell, But in case that she the sayd Frances Leavers proved a lewd person and doe ether Comitt before her marriage fornicaon or Adultery or will not bee ordered by my Executors But contract matrimony without the Consent of my sayd Executors Edmund Bardsey and Margarett Pares first had (as is aforesayd) Then my Will & meaneinge is that the sayd Frances Leavers shall only have payd unto her Tenne pounds in money forth of my Lands goods and estate which tenne pounds shall stand & bee in lieu of all her porcon (as itt is alsoe formerly sett downe) and then the sayd hundred pounds shall remaine Come & bee to my sayd five kinsfolke Thomas Pares James Pares Elizabeth Pares als Hart John Pares & Robert Frecke and to their several heires to be equally given & divided amongst them according to the discrecon of my Executors Edmund Bardsey & Margaret Pares or of one of them

Itm itt is my will & I doe order itt That if the sayd Frances Leavers doe dye & depart this life before the tyme of her marriage (as aforesayd) Or before shee shall come to & fully accomplishe the age of fower & twentye yeares, the tyme whereatt I doe hereby make her porcon to bee due & payable, then the wholl part or porcon hereby intended to bee given & disposed to her shall come & remaine to my sayd five kinsfolke Thomas Pares James Pares Elizabeth Pares als Hart John Pares and Robert Frecke and to their severall heires to bee equally divided amongst them according to the discrecon of my Executors Edmund Bardsey and Margarett Pares or of one of them

Item I doe give to the Poore of Scalford tenne Shillinges

Item I doe give to the towne of Scalford to bee imployed only for the buying of fourth bell (if they intend to buy one as I doe hope they will) twentye Shillinges

Item I doe hereby freely pardon remit and forgive unto Ralph Frisbye & to Elizabeth his wife all debts payments and dues whatsoever to me the sayd Robert Pares in any wise due and payable from the beginning of the world to the day of the date hereof

Item I do hereby forgive Edward Levers all my debts and dues to me in any wise due and payable for any thinge past

And for the Residue and surplusage of my estate and goods whatsoever (my debts guifts bequests and funerall Charges beinge in the first place all defrayed discharged & defaulted) I say the residue and Remainder of my sayd goods Chattells & estate whatsoever I doe hereby give and bequeath the same wholly & solely to my sayd Executors Edmund Bardsey & Margarett Pares

Item I doe further give to my sayd Executor Edmund Bardsey fifteene pounds And I doe hereby make Constitute & appoint Edmund Bardsey & Margarett Pares to be the full & only Executors of me and this my will (as alsoe is aforesayd) And thus recallinge and revokinge all former wills & testaments whatsoever by me made I doe hereby make Constitute & appoint this only to bee my last will & testament

Witnes my hand put to these two sheetes of paper Contayneinge my sayd will & last testament

Memorand that although itt fall out that Frances Leavers live to be married (as aforesayd) or live to come to the full age of fower and twenty yeares (yet her porcon here intended and given) shall not be payd to her till six monethes after the decease of me the sayd Robert Pares and Margaret Pares my wife

                                                                                                                The marke & seale of Robert Pares

Published and declared to bee my Last will & testament in the presence of

James Bardsey

William Daft

Probate 28 November 1639


A true Inventory of all the goodes cattell and chattells of Robert Pares late of Scallford in the County of Leicester Laborer deceased taken and prized August the eight Ao Dom 1639 by Bartine Hough and Thomas Howett

Imprimis his purse girdle and apparill ten pounds100000
Item in good debts one hundred pounds sixe shillings and eight pence or   
there abouts1000608
Item in doubtful and desperate debts fifty one pownds six shillinges and foure   
pence or there abouts510604
Item foure cowes and one heifer foureteene pownds140000
Item hay three pownds030000
Item Fifteen hives of bees six pownds060000
Item coals and gosse two shillinges six pence000206
Item three ladders one wheele barrow and a fatt Twelve shillinges001200
Item two webbs of woolen cloth one pownd eight shillinges and eight pence010808
Item one lease taken of Mr William Daft of Hollewell in the County of Leicester   
twenty pownds200000
Item in the hall two tables with their frame two formes foure chaires two   
stooles and three Cubberts three pownds030000
Item three great brasse pans three pownds030000
Item twelve lesser brasse pans one pownd ten shillings011000
Item three brasse candlesticks and two brasse basons one pownd five shillinges010500
Item foure brasse potts and two scommers two pownds thirteene shillinges   
and foure pence021304
Item one hanging candle sticke one drippin pan a glasse case nineteen   
quishions and some little shelves ten shillings001000
Item a bason and ure six shillinges eight pence000608
Item two dozen of pewter dishes two pownds020000
Item eight pewter candle stickes fifteene shillinges001500
Item foure little brasse candlesticks five shillinges000500
Item a brasse pestell and morter two shillinges000200
Item eight brasse spoones twelve pence000100
Item three dozen of pewter spoones three shillinges000300
Item a brasse salt seller with a cover and a brasse chafin dish two shillinges000200
Item seaven pewter porringers five shillinges000500
Item nineteene pewter saucers nine shillinges000900
Item three salt sellers one shillinge sixe pence000106
Item in the parler one bedstead with a tester over it with curtaines and   
vallance one featherbed and bolster a paire of blanketts a matteris a   
coveringe sixe pownds and ten shillings061000
Item another bedstead with a covering a paire of blanketts a paire of sheets   
a matteris and a bolster one pownde ten shillinges011000
Item sixteene pillowes two bolsters seaven coverings one matteris and one   
blankett seaven pownds070000
Item foure chests and two coffers two pownds020000
Item twelve paire of flaxen sheetes twelve pillow beares four table clothes   
and foureteene napkins eight pownds twelve shillinges081200
Item six paire and an halfe of hempen sheetes two pownds twelve shillinges021200
Item in the kitchinge two gallow trees with pott hookes the fire iron and frogs   
ten shillings001000
Item foure formes a churne with milke vessells ten shillinges001000
Item trenchers and dishes and earthen dripping pan and some other   
necessaries three shillings foure pence000304
Item in the Chamber over the parlor a bedstead with a matteris and sheets   
and bords a window cloth with some other small thinges one pownd ten   
Item in the Chamber over the hall cheeses and cheese rackes two cowles two   
tubs one paile a barrill and other small necessaries three pownds030000
Item forkes old iron and thinges unnamed and forgotten ten shillinges  001000
The Summe total is two hundred fifty seaven poundes twelve shillinges2571200

Bartine Hough alis Woodkeep

Thomas Howett

Memorand that there is to be payd out of theise goods which Robert Pares the defunct said he did owe to one William Smith and Jane Francis fourteen pownds seaventeene shillinges and one penny or there abouts