William Parnham of Stathern 1742 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1742
In the Name of God Amen I William Parnham of Stathern in the County of Leicester farmer being weak of Body But of a sound and perfect Memory Do Make this my last Will and Testament in Manner & form following
First I Commend my Soul into the hands of almighty God that Gave it Me
My Body I commend to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the Discression of my Executrix & Executor hereafter Mentioned
As to my worldly Goods which it hath pleased god to Bless me with I Give And Bestow as followeth this twenty Second Day of March in the Year 1739/40
Imprimis I Give to my Second Son George Parnham the Sum of one hundred & fifty pounds of Lawfull Money to be paid him when he shall accomplish his age of twenty four years
Item I Give to My third Son William Parnham the Sum of one hundred & fifty pounds of Lawfull Money to be paid him when he shall accomplish his Age of twenty two years
Item I Give Elizabeth Parnham My Eldest Daughter the Sum of Eighty pounds of Lawfull Money to be paid her when she shall Accomplish her Age of twenty one years
Item I Give Mary Parnham My Second Daughter the sum of Eighty pounds of Lawfull Money to be paid her when she shall accomplish her age of twenty one years
Item I Give my third Daughter Fortune Morely Parnham the Sum of Eighty pounds of Lawfull Money to be paid her when she shall Accomplish her Age of twenty one years
Item I Give My fourth Daughter Martha Parnham the Sum of Eighty pounds of Lawfull Money to be paid her when she shall Accomplish her Age of twenty one years
If it so happen as God Defend that Any of My two Sons & four Daughters before named shall happen to Die before they shall accomplish their Respective ages before named then my Will is that his or hers or their portions before Named be Equally Divided amongst the Survivor or Survivors of them & all so My Executrix & Executor
And My Will is that My two Sons & four Daughters afore Named Beside their several portions above Named Shall have Meat Drink Washing Lodging Clothing & Education at the Charge of My Executrix and Executor without being Charged for anything or any Deducting to be made out of their several portions upon any acct whatsoever
Also My Will is that all My Effects as Stock & crops &c be Sold off and the Money put out to Interest for and towards The Raiseing of the aforesaid portions
& My Will is that my Executor & Executrix have the said Interest of the said Money for & towards Bringing up My Children aforesaid Untill they shall accomplish their respective ages
Also My Will is if any of my said Children be put forth Apprentice that what Money Shall be paid to their Master on Account of going to the said trade shall be Deducted out of his or her portion & No More also My Will is that when any of My Said Children Shall Go out to Service that My Executrix & Executor shall not be obliged to find them Cloths But they shall find their own Clothes out of their wages
I allso Give and Bequeath to my Eldest Son Henry Parnham all My houses And Lands lying and being within the parish of Stathern to him his heirs and assigns for Ever
I allso I Give and Bequeath to Mary My Loving Wife for and Dureing her Life if it so happen that she Marry again & leave My Son Harry so much as shall make up that oxgang of Land which my father gave her for her Life ten pounds a Year & to be clear of having any thing By being Now joynt Executrix with my said Son Henry But him my said Son Henry to be full Executor if she Marry again at that … time
& I also give My said Son Henry all my household Goods Excepting a Bed & all things belonging to it which I give Mary My Loving wife
And I make & ordain My Loving Wife & My well beloved son joint Executrix & Executor of this my last will & Testament in trust for the intents and purposes in this my Will contained and I make my Loving friends William Bark of Stathern & Tho Hourd of Eastwell overseers of this my Will to take Care & See the same performed according to My true Intent & Meaning & if any controversie or Difference happen to arise amongst my Children & Executors my Will is that it shall be finally Ended according to their My friends Determination without any further Charge or Dispute whatsoever
In Wittness whereof I the said William Parnham have to this my Last Will & Testament sett my hand & seal the Day and Year above written
William Parnham his mark
Signed sealed & Delivered by the said William Parnham as and for his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us who were present at the signing & sealing thereof
Tho: Hourd
Tho Blankly
Henry Bug his mark
William Walker his mark
I William Parnham Upon a more Serious Consideration Do make the following Alteration in this my Last Will & Testament as followeth
My Two Sons George Parnham & William Parnham I think the three hundred pounds I gave them will be too hard of my Eldest Son Henry Parnham therefor My Will is that My Son George Parnham Shall have & I give him no more but Six Score pounds & My Son William Parnham I give him no more but onely the just sum of six score pounds & they my two Sons shall be Content with the said portions & parts instead of the their two portions of one hundred & fifty each before mentioned
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this twenty seventh Day of May in the year 1740
William Parnham his Mark
Signed seald & Declared In the presence of Us
Tho Hourd
Tho Blankly
Eliz Barke
Mary Parnham Widow and Henry Parnham the within named Extrix and Extor were Sworn the 21st October 1742
Before us Richard Grey
An Inventory of all and Singular the Goods Chattles and Creditts of William Parnham late of Stathern in the County of Leicester farmer deceased Taken and appraised the fifth day of May Anno Domini 1742 by us whose names are underwritten
Imprimis purse and apparel | 20 | 0 | 0 |
Furniture in the house | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Furniture in the two parlours | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Furniture in the three Chambers | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Furniture in the Brewhouse | 5 | 5 | 0 |
Barley threshed | 7 | 0 | 0 |
Wheat thrashed and unthrashed | 3 | 15 | 0 |
Malt | 15 | 8 | 0 |
All belonging in the Stable | 3 | 10 | 0 |
Waggons Carts ploughs Harrows | 16 | 10 | 0 |
Manure hovells Coales &c | 9 | 0 | 0 |
Eleven Swine | 6 | 5 | 0 |
Eighty Sheep | 50 | 0 | 0 |
Thirty four beasts | 75 | 0 | 0 |
Fourteen horses | 77 | 10 | 0 |
Barly and Wheat Growing | 75 | 0 | 0 |
Beans Growing | 39 | 0 | 0 |
Unseen and forgotten | 0 | 7 | 0 |
Totall | 418 | 10 | 0 |
Appraised by us
Tho Blankley
Will: Barke