Francis Peck of Goadby Marwood 1743 will
National Archives PROB 11/729/43
In the Name of God Amen I Francis Peck Clerk Rector of Godeby Maureward in the County of Leicester and prebendary of Marston Saint Lawrence in the Church of Lincoln being in good health of Body and of sound mind and Memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say
My Soul I humbly resign to that ever gracious and mercifull God who gave it my Body to the Earth to be buried in the parish Church of Godeby (if I die there) just within the South Door on the left hand behind the Door in a good hope of a joyful Resurrection thro’ the meritts of my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ and of him only (for I beleive that my Redeemer liveth) to whom with the Father and the holy Spiritt be glory both now and ever amen
My worldly Goods thus
First I give and bequeath to my dear Wife Ann Peck four hundred pounds of good and lawful English Money my Silver Tankard and all my Household Goods herein not otherwise disposed of with remainder to my Son Francis Peck and my Daughter Ann Peck Share and share alike
Item to my Son Francis Peck the summ of two hundred pounds of good and lawful English Money also one Bed and bedding compleate two pair of Sheets two Table Cloaths one Dozen of Napkins and Towells two Silver Spoons my two eared Silver Cup my Silver Spurrs all my Gowns and Cassocks my Organ and all my Books both printed and written (Except as herein after Excepted) desiring him not to part with any of the same till if it so please God he is arrived at the age of thirty years when it is presumed he may be better able to judge of them with remainder of this whole bequest to my Wife and Daughter share and share alike
Item to my Daughter Ann Peck the summe of four hundred pounds to be paid her at the age of twenty and one years the interest for her maintenance also one Bed and Bedding complete two pair of Sheets two Table Cloaths one Dozen of Napkins and Towells two Silver Spoons one lesser Silver Spoon marked A P one eared Silver Mugg and my Spinet with remainder of this whole bequest to my Wife and Son share and share alike
Item to my Wife my larger picture and her own both by Mr Collins
Item to my Son my Smaller picture by Mr Collins
Item to my Daughter my picture by Mr Highmore
Item to my Dear Wife Ann Peck all that my Freehold House with the Appurtenances of Bysbrooke in the county of Rutland now or late in tenure of Nathaniel Clark with remainder to my Son and Daughter share and share alike
Item to my Son Francis Peck all that my Freehold House with the Appurtenances in Saint Martins Stamford in the County of Northampton now or late in the tenure of Samuel Frazier with remainder to my wife and Daughter share and share alike
Item Whereas I have divers printed Copies yet remaining of the Books of my own writing both at Godeby London and elsewhere my will is that all those Books be sold as soon as conveniently they may be without loss and that the Money thence arising be divided betwixt my Wife and son and Daughter share and share alike
Item I give and bequeath to my Dear Sister in Law Mrs Hannah Curtis of Godeby aforesaid and to her heirs and assigns all those my three Freehold Houses with the Appurtenances at Stamford in the county of Lincoln now or late in the tenure of John Howard [blank] Bullard and [blank] with request that she would bestowe and join with me in bestowing and bequeathing (as I now do) all that my little Freehold House with the appurtenances in the Water Street in Saint Martin Stamford in the county of Northampton now or late in the Tenure of [blank] … on and to my Daughter Ann Peck
Item to my Aunts Mary Jephson Hannah Jephson Grace Jephson and Ann Lea twenty shillings each
Item to my Nephews Robert Peck and James Peck twenty shillings each
Item to my dear Sister in Law Mrs Hannah Curtis two Guineas to buy her a Ring to wear for my sake also the pictures of our Saviour and of the blessed Virgin which hang in the chamber and Queen Elizabeth
Item to the poor of Godeby twenty Shillings to be distributed in bread
Item to six poor Men (four of Godeby and two of Eastwell) to carry me to Church two shillings and sixpence each
Item to the poor of Eastwell ten shillings
Item to six poor Women (four att Godeby and two at Eastwell) to hold up my pall two shillings and sixpence each
Item my desire is to be buried without any funeral Sermon or vain needless expence and that the Reverend Mr Edward Dixon Vicar of Buckminster in the County of Leicester and the Reverend Mr Francis Stephenson Viccar of Owson in the county of Nottingham would both of them attend my Funerall and meeting corps in the Church Yard in Surplices and that the one of them would read the burial Service in the Church and the other in the Church yard and for their so doing my Executors to give each of them a Scarf, Hatband, Gloves and a Ring of twenty Shillings value inscribed with my Name and the Day and year of my death
And I hereby constitute and appoint my dear Wife Ann Peck and my Son Francis Peck joint Executors of this my Will and joint Trustees for my Daughter Ann Peck and my blessing on my Children and the God of Peace and Love be with them and their Mother and their Aunt
And I revoke all former Wills
Witness my hand and Seal this seventeenth day of July in the year of our Lord Christe (whose Name be ever blessed) one Thousand seven hundred and forty two
Francis Peck
Signed sealed and declared to be my last Will in the presence of
Han Curtis
Ann Marriot
This Will was proved at London before the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted the Eighth day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and forty three by the Oaths of Francis Peck and Anne Peck the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattells and Credits of the said deceased (being first sworn by Commission well and duely to Administer the same)