Richard Pell of Plungar 1590 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1590/77
In the name of god Amen The xxiii daye of June And in the yeare of our lord god 1590 I Rychard Pell of Plunger in the countye of Leic beinge sicke of bodye and in perfecte mynd and remembrance make this my last wyll and Testament in maner & forme followinge
Fyrst I bequeathe my Soule to Almyghtye god my Saviour and Redemer and my body to be buryed in the churchyard of Plunger
Item I geve unto the church of Lincolne iiiid
Item I geve to the poore people of Plunger ii strike of Barley
Item I geve unto Alles my wyfe the third parte of my goodes cattell and corne And the lease or intereste of one oxgange of land which I have of my lord the Earle of Rutland frelye without payeinge of any thing for it in consideratione of her keeping and bringing up of my daughter Anne and Lucye the one beinge lame and the other younge
Itemm I geve to Thomas my sonne xls
Item I geve to Rychard my sonne x li
Item I geve to Elizabeth my daughter iii li vis 8d and vi payre of sheetes that were her owne mothers, iii pillowes beares, and one towel
Item I geve to Jane my daughter iii li vis viiid
Item I geve Issabell my daughter vi li xiiis iiiid
Item I geve unto Anne my daughter being lame vi li xiiis iiiid and one cowe
Item I geve unto my youngest daughter Lucye vi li xiiis iiiid and one cowe
Item I geve unto Wyllyam my sonne all my goodes unbequethed moveable and unmoveable, whom I make my full and whole executor of this my last wyll and Testament he to se my debtes payd my legacyes performed And I honestlye brought to my buryall
Wytnesses to the same wyll John Chessall vicare of Barston & Plunger John Alred vicare of Granbye Thomas Weet Henry Bawre with others
Probate 25 July 1590