Thomas Person of Plungar 1564 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1564/51
In the name of god Amen The xvi Aprill in the yere of our Lorde god mccccclxiiii I Thomas Personne of Plunger in the countie of Leicester sicke in bodye but perfecte of Remembrance dothe make this my Last will & Testament in maner and forme folowinge
Fyrst I bequethe my Soule unto allmightie god and my bodye to be buryed in the churchyard of Plunger aforesayd
Also I gyve unto the mother churche of Lincolne iiiid
Also I give and bequiethe unto Issabell Coke my dawghter the best payre of flaxen shetes but one and the greatest arke in the howse and to Alice Coke her dowghter a cheyre & the best pewter platter that was my owne
Also I gyve unto Thomas Personne my Sonne xxvis viiid to his childes parte to be payd to him at the severall dayes that ys to saye at the feast of the purificacon of the blessed virgin Mary next folowinge one parte and that daye twelve monethe another part and that daye twelve monethe after that the third parte
Also I give unto Hellin my wyfe and John my sonne all my howshold goods that ys above the hecke that belongethe to … that ys unbequiethed
Also I will that my wife shall have the third parte of my goods moveable and unmoveable without the dore
Also I will that the other two partes of my goods shalbe equally devyded unto Richard Personne my Sonne and John Personne my sonne and John Coke my Sonne in Law Savinge the two parts of my shepe shall remayne unto Richard & John my two sones and John Coke to have no parte of my shepe
Also I give unto Alice … a Shepe hogge
Also I orden & make Richard Personne my sonne and John Coke my sonne in lawe my executors of this my last will & Testament for to dispose my goods to the tenor hereof as my trust ys in them
Also I make John Blanckleye Supervysor of this my last wil whom I do desyre for gods sake to se it trulye performed & he to have for his paines taking [nothing to say what he is to have, no blank space]
These men being witnes John Coke the elder John Blanckley Richard Pell & John Whittell with other mo
Probate 5 May 1564
Suma Inventarii xxiii li xiiiis viiid