Nicholas Pierpoint of Eastwell 1606 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1606
In the name of God Amen, the foure and twentieth daye of November in the yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lorde James by the grace of god of England France and Ireland the fourthe and of Scotlande the Fortith, I Nicholas Pirrepont of Eastewell in the Countie of Leicester yeoman, Called [sic] to Remembrance, how Fytt it is for everie good Christian to dispose of worldelie things, whiles God geveth theim Leysure therunto doe make this my laste Will and testament in manner and forme followinge
First I bequeath my soule to Allmightie God, trusting to be saved by the onely merits and passions of Jesus Christe my onely Saviour and Redeemer, and my bodie to be buried in the Church of Estewell neere to my late Welbeloved wief Margerie
Item I doe Revocate revoke and disannull all former Willes and testaments whatsoever, and doe by theise presents declare this my present will with the Contents hearin declared to be my onely last Will and testament
And for the disposinge of such earthlie goods as it hathe pleased god to bestowe on me in this transitory worlde, First I doe give Legacie and bequeath to my Sonne James Pireponte, one hundrethe and Fourescore pounds, for the which I have a Bonde of my sonne John Piereponte which I will shalbe delivered to him in, at the payment of the money, and to be voide Provyded allwaies the money to be paid at such tyme as the bonde doth beare date, yf hee so longe lyve, according to the true meaninge of this my Will
Item I give to my daughter Susan Pierepont, the full and Just Some of one hundreth and tenne Pounds of good and lawfull Englishe money, to be paid her eyther at the daie of her marriadge or the age of one and twentie yeares
Item I give to my daughter Susan all my householde stuffe that is in Whaltam at the house of John Goodwin (my Silver plate and bonds excepted
Item I give to my sonne Lee and my daughter, tenne pounds in full satisfaccon of my daughers parte
Item I give to my sonne Buxam and my daughter ten shillings in full satisfaccon of her childs parte
Item I give to my sonne Willm Scrymshawe, and my daughter tenne shillings in full satisfaccon of her childs parte
Item I give to my daughter Scrymshawes chilldren sixe pounds to be devided by equall porcons amongst theim
Item I give to my sonne James Piereponte three of my best Silver spoones
Item I give to my daughter Susan three of the best next
Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Pierepont one sillver spoone
Item I give to my daughter Lee one silver spoone
Item I give to my eldest Sonne John Piereponte ten shillings
Item I give to my daughter Scrymshawe one sillver spoone
Item I give to John Goodwyn his wief one silver spoone
Item I give to my sonne John Pierepont his two chilldren John Pierepont and Elizabeth Pirepont tenne pounds of good and lawfull Englishe money, to be devided equallie amongste theim
Item I give to John Pierepont my brothers sonne that dwelleth with Sir Henrye Pierrepont ten shillings
I give to Willm Pierrepont my Brother Symon his sonne, twentie shillings
Item I give to the church of Estewell twentie shillings
Item I give to the poore of Estwell ten shillings
Item I Give to everie one of my godchilldren twelve pence
Item my will is for avoydinge of Contentions if my daughter Susan shall dye before suche tyme as shee shall receave her porcon that then the same shall come whollye to my sonne James, And if my sonne James shall dye before, he is to Receave his porcon that then the same shalbe equally devided to John Pierreponte my sonne Marye Buxam my daughter Elizabeth Scrymshawe my daughter Anne Lee my daughter and Susan Pirrepont my daughter And that the said Susanna my daughter shall have allowed unto her yearelie for her Maintenance untill such tyme as shee shall have her porcon paid unto her, the sum of Sixe pounds of Lawfull Englishe money
Item all the rest of my goods unbequeathed my funerall expences dischardged I give to my sonne John Pierrepont whome I ordaine and make my full and sole Executor
Also I Constitute and appointe my sonne John Pierreponte and my sonne in Lawe Willm Scrymshawe to be my Supervisors And to have my daughter Susana porcon and to emploie it for her use
Item I give to Mr Dod minister of Eastwell ten shillings to Mr Rude ten shillings and to Mr Butler ten shillings
In Wittnes wherof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the xxiiiith of November 1606 being my laste Will and testament
Probate Leicester 19 December 1606, executor sworn