John Plowman of Plungar 1567 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1567/95 and 96
In the name of god amen the fyrst day of December and the yere of owre lord mdlxvi I John Plowman of Plungar in the countye of Leicester laberer seke in body and wole in sowle & of perfett remembrans make this my last wylle as hereafter foloweth
Fyrst I bequeth my sowle to almyghtye god the father of heaven maker of all mankind and to Jesus cryst hys only son my savier & redemar and my bodye to be buryed within the chyrch yeard of Plungar
Allso I bequethe to Wyllm Plowman an ox cawlfe
It I geve to ii of my bretherne chyldryn ii shepe howgs
It I geve to Elsabeth Plowman one peyre of bedsteds on greytt arke a quye and on blak shepe howg
It I gyve to Elsabeth Pell on yowye shepe
It I gyve to the making of the … … on shepe
It I geve to Elsabeth as well an shepe howg
The rest of my guds unbequethed I geve to Doryte my wyffe whom I make myne exequetryx of thys my last wyll
These beyng witnesses
John Wyttell
John Oake
Ryc Pell
Ambrows …
Probate Eastwell 9 September 1567
The Invytorye of All the gudds moveabe and onmoveable of John Plowman of Plungar in the countye of Lecester made and prased the third day of Januarye in the yere of ower lord mdlxvi by John Blankeley John Wyttyll Rycd Pell
In primis ii powyts a pan ii peyls the dysshe bench a pair of | |
It ii bords ii forms and an cheyre | iiis iiiid |
It iiii shets ii beydds with the …yngs | vis iiiid |
It a cowe & a yong swine | xxs |
It xii shepe | xxvis viiid |
It an hovyll with certyn old wodd | iiis iiiid |
It one acar of barley ii lands of peyse | liis |
Suma | iii li xvis |