Thomas Porter of Long Clawson 1576 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1576/63 and there is also a bound probate copy
In the name of god Amen in the year of our lorde god mdlxxvi the ix daye of October in the xviii yeare of the reign of Elyzabethe by the grace of god quene of Englande France and Ierlande defender of the faythe &c witnesseth that I Thomas Porter of Claxton being sycke in body and of good and perfecte remembrance do ordeayne and mayke thys my last wyll and testiment in maner and forme hereinafter following
Fyrste I bequethe my soule to Allmyghtie god my maker and redemer and my body to be buryed in the church yarde of Claxton my paryshe churche
It I bequieth to the pore mans boxe vid
It to Colleton haven iid
It to my Curate for my tythes necligently foregotten yf any suche be iiiid
It I bequithe to my brother Andrew Porter and Roberte Porter A cowe betwyxte them taking the chose of a blacke cowe and A pyde one
It I geve to Edwarde Gye my wyffes sonne a yewe and A hogge
It I bequithe to Ane Gye my wyffes Dawghter A yewe and A hogge
It I bequithe to Jone my wyffe vi shepe
It I bequithe to Rycharde Porter A yewe shepe
It I bequithe to my brother Andrewe Porter and Robarde Porter vii shepe
It I wyll that Wyllyam Hycling and Robartte Caunte do devide all the sayde shepe in too partes at ther dyscritions
It I bequithe to my brother Robartte Porter a cheare
It I bequithe to my wyffe my brother Andrew Porter and Robartte Porter amongste them iii li the Wyche Wyllyam Clarke of Welborne dothe owe me this wytnesses Valentyne Hortoppe of Burton Wyllyam Webster of Thrussington and Jhon Fryman [Freeman]
It Rycharde Lyners dothe owe me xls for A cowe
It Jhon Hyndeman wyffe Dothe owe me xvs the Wyche wyffe John Rosse [?] dyd mary after and he dothe knowe yt witnessing Thomas Johnsone the burger of the lende of yt the Wyche xvs I bequethe unto my wyffe Andrewe Porter and Robartte Porter Amongste them
It Thomas Cooke of Burton dothe owe me iiis iiiid for A colte and a lode of heaye lente
It I bequithe the reste of my goods and cattells unbequithed unto Jone my wyffe whome I ordayne and mayke exequitrix of thys my laste wyll and testiment
It I ordayne and mayke Wyllyam Hicling and Robartte Caunte Supervisors of thys my laste Wyll and testiment and either of them to have xiid
It Thomas Prents [Prentice/Prince?] of Brentingbe dothe owe me a quarter of mawlte
Thes wytnisses Christofer Goodwin Vycar Wyllyam Hycling Robartte Caunte and Thomas Hardall
This ys the trewe Inventory of all the gudds and cattels of Thomas Porter decessed valued prysed by Wyllyam Hycling Robarth Caunte and Rychard Lyners
Imprimis hys apperell | viiis |
It iii kye & A heffer | iiii l |
It xx shepe | iii l |
It the corne & heaye | xxvis viiid |
It one swine hogge | iiis iiiid |
It one weate lande | iiis iiiid |
It one quarter of mawlte | xiis |
It one lode of heaye | iiis |
It of Dette | iiis iiiid |
It of Dett at Welborne | iii l |
It of Dett at Melton | xvs |
It of brasse & puter | xviiis |
It A cubborde & iii cofers | viiis |
It all napery ware | xvs |
It all woden implements | vs |
Suma totalis xvi l vs viiid |
Probate 13 November 1576