George Prince of Stathern 1634 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1634/56
In the name of god Amen The foure & twentie daye of December in the yeere of our Lord god one thousand sixe hundred thirtie & three I George Prince of Stathorne in the countie of Leic Plasterer weake in bodie but of good and perfect memorie doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
First I bequeathe my soule into the hands of Almightie god my Creator and my bodie to bee buryed in the churchyeard of Statherne aforesaide
Item I give and bequeathe unto my sonne Roger Prince fortie shillings to bee payed unto him when hee shall accomplish the age of fourteene yeeres
Item I give and bequeathe unto my daughter Anne Prince fortie shillings to bee paide unto her when shee shall accomplish the age of fourteen yeeres
Item all the Rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable I give unto Katherine Prince my wife whom I doe make sole executrix of this my last will and testament
George Prince his marke
Witnesses hereof
James Brough
Zacharie Travis
A true Inventorie of all the goods and Cattell which did appertaine to George Prince of Stathorne in the Countie of Leicester Plasterer late dec: prized the 27 daye of Januarie 1663 [1663/4] by two sufficient men viz James Rouse & Thomas Steevenson as followeth
Imprimis his purse apparrell and girdle | 10s |
Item 4 payre of sheetes 3 pillowes & 3 pillowbeeres | 32s |
Item boulsters 3 blanketts 2 Coverletts 2 bedsteades Curtaines for one bed one square table | |
a chest and a Coffer | 3 li 6s |
Item 4 brasse pannes 4 pewder dishes 2 sawcers 3 Candlestickes 2 of pewder one of tinne | |
one salt of pewder and one doozin of trenchers | 9s |
Item 3 buffett stooles one washing tubb a kimnell 2 kittes 2 earthen panchins a woodden | |
platter 2 bowles 2 barrells and one fourme | 7s 10d |
Item one featherbed a straw bed and one mattrisse | 30s |
Item 2 Chayres one great drinking bowle one little woodden Cupp halfe a dozen of woodden | |
dishes & a little boxe | 3s 4d |
Item one woollen wheele one Lynnen wheele a sheepe skinne a oatemeale skepp one payre | |
of wooll cardes halfe a stone of wooll a little table & 2 small boxes | 14s |
Item 10 strikes of oates halfe a quarter of barlie & one pecke of pease | 2s |
Item 2 bacon flitches with all other offal belonging to a swine | 20s |
Item one teather one Cheesefatte one old trestle and one trunke | 8s |
Item one Cow | 50s |
Item tenne sheepe | 45s |
Item one Iron 2 iron frogges 3 little Reckin hookes a payre of potte hookes one frying panne | |
and one pitchforke | 5s |
Item a Cherne a skummer and a broiling iron an iron ladle a pitcher a dripping panne a | |
drying potte a chopping knife spooones and stooles | 2s |
Item tooles belonging to his trade with all other implements about the house & yeard not | |
Remembred | 3s |
The totall summe is 16 li 10s 2d |
Probate 6 June 1634