Ray Samuel 1631 of Nether Broughton Will

Samuel Ray of Nether Broughton 1631 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1631

In the name of god Amen the xxvith daye of September in the sixth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of god kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the fayth &c I Samuell Raye of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester black Smith beinge sick in body but thanks be unto allmyghty god of good and perfect memory doe make and ordeine my laste will and testament in manner and forme followeing

First I bequeathe my soule to allmighty god whoe gave it and to my saviour Jesus Christ by whose merites and passion I hope to receave forgiveness of all my sins and my body to the earthe from whence it came

And as for my temporall goodes and possessions I bequeathe and bestow them as followeth

Imprimis I geve and bequeathe to Alice my wife And my will is that she shall have the tuition and Education of Samuell Raye my sonn and for as much as my sayde sonn is under age by reason whereof he is like to be a ward which wardship my will is that my wife shall procure into her hands if therefore my sayde wife after the wardship of my sayde sonn so procured shall happen to marry againe my will is that neyther shee nor any other shall charge my sayde sonn with his mariage when he shall come to that age if therefore she or any other in her behalf shall charge him with his marriage I geeve and bequeath to my sayde sonn Samuell in mony two hundrethe poundes in lue thereof to be payde hym when he shall attaine to the age of xxity yeares

Moreover if my sayde wife be nowe with child I geeve and bequeathe to the Childe if is shall happen to live one hundrethe poundes whether it shall be male or female to be payde unto the sayde childe when it shall attaine to the age of xxity yeares

Moreover my will is that my father in lawe Henry Browne of Nether Broughton aforesayde shall come with Alice my wife in procureing the wardship of my sonn

It I geve and bequeath to George Browne my brother in lawe in mony v li

It I geve and bequeathe to my brother John Raye foure poundes yeare that is to say for every yeare foure poundes for and dureinge the term of the naturall life of my sayde brother John to be yearely payde him oute of my lands in Nether Broughton

It I geve and bequeathe to all my god children to eache of them xiid

It I geve to the poore people of the parishe of Nether Broughton aforesayd in mony xxs to be geven and distributed to the sayde poore by Mr … and the overseers of the poore at their discretions

It I geve and bequeathe to Abigall Gesson my mayde in mony iiis iiiid

All the rest of my goodes moveable and unmoveable unbequeathed my debts legacyes and funerall expences first payd and discharged I geve and bequeathe until Alice my wife whom I make and ordeine my whole & sole executrix to see this my last will performed

In wittnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale … the daye & year above written

                                                                                                                Samuell Ray

John Musson [his mark]

Henery Browne Junior

Debts Duely oweinge unto Samuell Raye the 26 … Sept 1630

Imprimis John Wright of Nether Broughton due at …5800
It Hughe Gilbert of Broughton aforesd due at the …2300
It Willm Browne of Broughton aforesd050000
It John Musson of Hicklin010000
It Willm Simpson for last dayes rent 10s 6d & 12d for a lease001106
It Mrs Thorne of Nether Broughton aforesd020000

Probate 14 July 1631

Probate Records Inventories 1631/33

A true and perfect Inventorye of all the goodes chattels and cattalls of Samuell Raye late of Browghton als Nether Browghton in the County of Leicester Deceased made taken and prised the nine and twentieth Daye of June in the seaventh yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lorde Charles by the grace of god Kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faythe &c By Thomas Brookesbye gent William Wright and John Wright and is as followeth Annoq Dni 1631

Impris the apparel of the deceased & mony in his purse100000
It eight cowes and two weaning calves250000
It one mare prised at061304
It more xiiiteene sheepe051000
It more three swine011304
It more a crop of corne and hey in the feilde160000
It more corne in the house021000
It more the wood, hovill, coals and pales in the yard050000
It more nine paire of flaxen sheetes060000
It more ten paire of hempen sheetes031500
It more seven paire of herden sheetes011608
It more eight table clothes010204
It more 35 yardes of newe clothe 35s011500
It foure towels and nine pillowe bares011400
It more one dozen of flaxen one dozen and a halfe of hempen and one dozen   
and a half of flax herden table napkins011000
It more six hempen pillowe cases 4s000400
It more three bed healeings and three coverlets041000
It more three paire of blankets001600
It more three mattresses and a flockbed 2 li 13s 4d021304
It more a newe fether bed tucke and fethers to put into it five bolsters and   
eight pillows040000
It more two trust beds a cupboarde a presse and a standinge bed sted050000
It more seaven coffers and a deske011600
It more a table boarde two buffet forms two buffet stooles five chaires and a   
fallinge table011304
It more five barrels three wooden kimnels and shelves potts and panchins in   
the buttery011304
It more two leades a mashe fate a yealeinge fate a kimnell three tubs and   
foure pailes031000
It more three bras potts five bras pans a bason a skimmer with the penn040000
It more sixteene peices of pewter three candlesticks two salts three porrengers   
and one chafin dishe020000
It more butter and cheese and bacon040000
It more tongs fire shovel forkes forke shaftes a saddle a cheese rack and other   
It more i dozen of cushions and halfe a dozen of olde cushions and a bible010000
It mony founde in the house120000
It more debts Due to him at the daye of his death241000
Summa totalis1641508