Ellen Robinson of Hickling 1670 Will
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/NW
September the 13 daye Ano Domini 1669
In the name of God Amen I Ellin Robinson of Hicklinge in the Countie of Nottingham widdow beinge weake and feable in body but of perfect memorie and understanding God be praised for the same doe the daye and yeare above written constitute make and ordaine this my last will and testament in maner and forme following that is to saye
First of all I give my soule to Allmightye God my maker and redeemer hopeinge to be saved by the alone merits and mercie of Jesus Christ who dyed for my sinnes and rose againe for my justification and I give my bodye to earth from whence it came desiringe that it maye bee buried in the Church yard of Hicklinge aforesaide where my executor pleases to laye it
Item I give and bequeathe to my sonne Thomas Robinson Tweanetie poundes to bee paided unto him of good and lawefull inglish money at midsomer come tweilfe monthes after my decease
Item I give and bequeathe to my Daughter Margaret Robinson Tweanetie poundes to bee payed unto her when shee doth accomeplish the age of tweanetye one yeares of good and lawfull english monie
Item I give unto hir ten poundes worth more of house houlde goods that my brothers Richard Robinson and Thomas Dafte thinketh fit for hir and if please God my Daughter dye before shee accomplish the age of one and tweanetie then my will is that my sonns Laurence and Thomas it shalbee … betwixt them
Item I give to my kinsman Thomas K… one ewe hodg
Item all the rest of my goodes & chattels unbeaqueased my detes paided and funeral discharged I give to Laurence Robinson my sonne whome I make ordaine and constitute my sole executor of this my last will and Testiment & lastlye I doe by these presents Renounce Disanole all formare wills & all codices of will what soe ever formarlye made by mee & soe I rest my selfe in mercies of God apromised to bee in Christ Jesus weateinge upon my God until the time of my change come
Ell Robinson her mark
Sealed & acknowledged the daye and yeare above written by the within named Ellin Robinson that this is her last will & Testament
Sealed in the presents of us
Richard Robinson
Thomas Dafte