Jefferie Robinson of Hose 1618 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1618/67
In the name of god Amen Anno dni 1617 I Jefferie Robinson of Hose in the Countie of Leister mason being of good and perfect memorie (thanks be to god for it) do ordaine and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following
Imp I give my Soule to god and my bodie to be buried in the Parish church Yard of Hose affords
Item I give to Thomas Robinson the sone of B…bie Robinson five Shillings
Item I give to Emmett Stoppard my aunt xiid
Item I give to my Brother John Robinson his twoe Children either of them fourtie shillings a peece
Item I give to Richard Webster my maister my maulte my barley and my haye with this Condition that the sd Richard Webster shall repaye to B…bie Robinson my brother the summe of Twentie shillings of Currant English moneye
Itm I give to Cense Webster my dame one Chest during her naturall life, And after her decease to Emmett C…ant if she be the longer liver
It I give to my Anckle Richard Julian xiid
Item I give to my aunte his wife xiid and to everie one of there Chilldren xiid a piece
Item I give to Richard Julian the sone of William Julian xiid
Item I give to Richard Bartram the son of Thomas Bartram xiid
Item I give to my 3 god Children xiid a peece
Item I give to Allice Glaston my maisters mayde xiid
The Rest of my goods and Cattels [sic] unbequeathed I give and bequeath to B…bie Robinson my brother (my debts and funerall expences discharged) whome I do ordayne and make the full execator of tis my last will and testament
In wittness whereof I … Jefferie Robinson … … … doe and set too my hand this 6th of Februarie In the presence of those whose names are subscribed
Jefferie Robinson
Richard Julian his marke
Richard Webster his mark
Memorand the fortie shillings a peece above written to be payed to the two Children of John Robinson must not be payd till they be of the age of Eightene yeres Complete and if they dye before the sayd time then the 4 pounds shall remayne to the use of Br…bie Robinson and his …