Izabell Robinson of Scalford 1613 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/236/129
In the name of god Amen I Izabell Robinson of Scalford in the County of Leic widdow sick in body but whole in mynd and of good & perfect memory thanks be to god therefore doe make and ordeyne this my last will and testement in maner and forme following
First I bequeath my soule to Almighty god and my body to be buryed in the churchyeard of Scalford aforesaid
Itm I geve & bequeath unto John Robinson my sone one ewe and lambe which is color white And I forgyve him xxs he oweth me
Itm I gyve & bequeath unto Jone Robinson my daughter & Will Robinson my sone all such goods as I had or have by vertue of the last will & testament of Richard Robinson my husband late deceased equally to be devided betwixt them Provided first that such legacyes as were gyven by my said husband to Will Robinson my sone and Jone Robinson my daughter & all other such legacies as in his last will were gyven & bequeathed … … be discharged
Itm I make & ordeyne Will Robinson my sone my sole and full executor And Charles Robinson my supervisor unto this my last will & testament
Theis being witnesses unto this my last will & testament
Wm Bincks
Tho: Chadwick
Probate 8 April 1613