Lawrence Robinson of Hickling 1638 Will
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/NW
In the name of God Amen the fourteenth day of June Anno domini 1638 and in the Fourteenth yeare of the Raigne of our sovraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the Faith etc I Lawrence Robinson of Hicklin in the Countie of Nottingham husbandman being of good and perfect remembrance praised be god therefore do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)
First and principally I surrender and yeald upp my soule into the handes of Almighty god whoe gave it unto me as soon as I was fashioned in my mothers wombe with assured trust and confidence to enjoy life everlasting by the alone meritte and passion of Christ Jesus my onely saviour and redeemer and by no other waies or meanes what soever My body I commit to the earth whereof it was made to be interred in the Churchyard of Hicklin aforesaid in such a decent and Christian manner as my executors hereafter named shall think fitt
And as for and concerning those worldly and temporall landes and goods which god of his mercy hath lent me I give and bequeath in such order and sorte as hereafter ensueth (that is to say)
Imprimis I give to the Towne stocke for the poore of Hicklin Twenty shillings
Item I give unto my eldest sonne Richard Robinson all those the Foure Oxgangs of Lande with thappurtenances which I bought and purchased of Richard Knutton together alsoe with my house and homstead and all profitte and appurtenances thereunto belonging
Item my will further is that if my sonne Lawrance shall and doe within one yeare next after my decease by goode and sufficient Conveyance in the law assure and Convey unto my said sonne Richard his heires and assigns for ever all that one oxgange of Land with thappurtenances which I formerly purchased of Mr Francis Mansfeild and which I have formerly given and conveyed unto my said sonne Lawrance and his heires Then my will is that my sonne Richard Robinson shall in lue and Consideracon thereof give and deliver unto the said Lawrence the summe of Fourscore poundes of lawfull english money to be paid unto him in forme following (Vizt) Fourty poundes thereof upon the first day of May next ensueing the assureing and conveying of the said oxgange of Lande with thappurtenances unto my sonne Richard as aforesaid and the other Fourtie poundes thereof upon the First day of May next after the first payment being one yeare after the same But if my said sonne Lawrence shall not within the said terme of one yeare next after my decease Convey and assure the said oxgang of Land with thappurtenances unto my said sonne Richard as aforesaid (being thereunto requested by the said Richard) Then I give my said sonne Lawrence the somme of Five shillings and noe more in regard I have already given unto him the oxgang of Land before specified
Item my will further is that my sonne John Robinson shall live with and be maintained by my sonne Richard and his heires at his and their coste and charge during the naturall life of the said John and to have noe other porcon but his said maintenance if my supervisors hereafter named shall well like of the usage and maintenance of the said John with the said Richard and his heires But if my said sonne Richard and his heires shall not provide for and maintaine the said John with all manner of necessaries meete for him to the likeing and … of my said overseers then I give and bequeath the somme of Fourty poundes of Lawfull english money for the porcon or Childes parte of the said John forth of my estate to be paid by my sonne Richard unto my overseers to the use of the said John within six monethes next after my said overseers disliking of the usage and maintenance of the said John with the said Richard and the departing away of the said John to live elsewhere And my desire and further will is that if my sonne Lawrence and John Collington of Hicklin aforesaid will at the such departing away of the said John from the said Richard as aforesaid be willing to entertaine and provide for and maintaine the said John with all manner of apparell diett Lodgeing and other necessaries meete for him and give securyty for the same to the likeing of my said overseers then upon the takeing of such security my will is that my said overseers shall deliver unto them the said somme of Fourty poundes to be and remaine in their handes soe long as the said John shal be maintained by them but if the said John shall afterwards departe away and not be maintained by them during his life then my will is that the said Fourty poundes shal be thereupon redelivered into the handes of my said overseers to be by them disposed for the maintenance of the said John as they or the survivor of them shall thinke fitt and my will further herein is that the said somme of Fourty poundes shall remaine to the use of him or them that the said John shalbe maintained by at the time of his death
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Grace Robinson the somme of Fourty poundes of lawfull english money, twenty poundes thereof to be paid the first day of May next after my decease and the other twenty poundes that day twelve moneth next after
Item I give unto my sonne Harrold Robinson the somme of Fourty poundes of lawfull english money to be paide unto him when he shall accomplish the age of Twenty and seaven yeares untill such time my will is he shall performe and doe the best service he canne for my sonne Richard and to be by him maintained with meate drinke and apparell meete and convenient for him
And if it shall happen that any of my said three children Lawrence Harrold and Grace departe this life before their severall legacies shalbe due and them according as is herein expressed then my will is that of him her or them soe deceasing shall remaine to the survivor or survivors of them together with my sonne Richard and my daughter Mary Browne to be equally divided amongst them at such time or times as the same should have bene paid to him her or them deceasing if they had lived
Item I give unto my apprentice Henry Trentham one ewe sheepe at the expiracone of his Apprentisshipp
And also these severall debts following vizt Thomas Wilson of Hicklin taylor seaven poundes Francis Dafte three poundes Henry Jesson xxis vid Richard Dafte …….. six shilings all of lawfull english money being all due and owing unto me as alsoe all my goods cattles chattles whatsoever unbequeathed my debts and legasies paid and funerall expenses discharged I give and bequeath unto my aforenamed sonne Richard Robinson whom I doe make and ordaine the sole and full executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills
And I doe earnestly intreat my trusty and welbeloved freindes George Dafte dwellinge in the hall and Thomas Musson both of Hicklin to be overseers of this my last will intreating them to doe their best indevour to see the same truly performed according to the intent and true meaning hereof And I doe give unto each of them for their paines herein ech man a payre of gloves
In witness to the truth of this my last will and testament of the said Lawrence Robinson have hereunto sett my hande and seale the day and yeare first above written
Lawrence Robinson his marke
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Thomas Hart
George Hayne Marye Browne her marke