Nicholas Robinson of Long Clawson 1611 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/233/71
In the name of god Amen & in the yeare of our lorde god one thousande sixe hundrede & eleven I Nicholas Robinson of Clauson als Claxton in the Countie of Leceister husbandman beinge sicke of bodie But in perfect remembrance, thankes bee to god therefore, doe make & ordayne this my laste will & testament in manner & forme followeinge
First I beequeave my soule to almightie god my maker & redeemer, trustinge to bee saved by a livelye faith in Christ Jesus in & for his death & passion sake with whome I hope to rest eternallye in heaven & my bodie I betake to the Earthe from whence it came to bee buried in the church or church yarde of Claxton aforesd by the discretion of my executor
Itim I give to the poore of Claxton xiid
Itim I give to my sonne John Robinson the bonde due from Thomas Forde when it is due & I give to the sd John Robinson twentie poundes whereof tenne poundes to bee payed when he is xix years of age, and the other when he is xxitie yeares of age
Itim I give to Brooxbye Robinson my sonne xiii l vis 8d to bee payed when he is of the age of xxitie yeares & one ewe lambe
Itim I give to Mycaell Robinson my sonne xiii l vis 8d to bee payed when he is xxitie yeares of age & one ewe lambe
Itim I give to Anne Robinson my daughter xiii l vis viiid to bee payed when she is of the age of xxitie yeares & 1 ewe lambe
Itim I give to Annour Robinson my daughter xiii l vis 8d to bee payed when she is of the yeares of xxitie yeare of age, & one ewe lambe
Itim I give unto Johne Robinson my wife, the thirde of my householde stuffe, all my napperye whollins & xx l whereof tenne poundes are to bee payed when her eldest sonne marrieth & the other tenne within six yeares followinge & towe ewes, to bee kept her, And she to have meat drinke & apparell found her by my eldest sonne untill shee receive the first tenne pounds I give her, & if the sd Johne Robinson doe marrye then she is to have but one ten poundes, & her houshould & napperye & soe goe her wayes
Itim the best trusse beadstead, one featherbed, one under blancket, 2 Coverleades, 1 payre of flaxen sheets, & the rest of my goodes unbequeaved my debtes and legacies beinge payed and my buriall beinge discharged I give unto William Robinson my sonne whome I make heire & execator of this my last Will & testament
And my will is that if the saied William Robinson doe departe the worlde without anie sonne lawfullye begotten with his bodie, that then the saied William Robinson shall leave the farme unto his brother John Robinson, & all that belongeth to the saied farme within the towne or feildes of Claxton, which his father gave unto the saied William Robinson his sonne, And for want of a sonne, from John Robinson to his next brother which is Brooxbye, in like manner, as is rehersed before, And in like manner to my sonne Michaell Robinson, as is before rehearsed
And if anye of my saied sonnes, beeinge possessed of my farme, which is given unto my eldest sonne, doe fortune to marrye & leave his wife behind him Then his wife shall have towe whole yeres nexte after his departure, and then the saied wife shall paye or Cause to bee payed halfe of they saied Legacies, which are unpayed, given by the will of the saied Nicholas Robinsons disceased And the next brother to enter uppon they followes, accordinge to the Custome of the countrye, and to paye the rest of they legacies which are unpayed, the saied wife aforementioned leaving behinde hir, one carte & Cart geares, ploughe & plough geares, hovells & hovell geares, & all thinges or timber belonginge to ploughe or Carte And if anye such discent shalbe, then the saied brother shall give the legacies, given by his father, to his yonger brethren & sisters
And I will that if all my sonnes depart the worlde, nott leaving anye sonne behind them, my farme shall goe to the next of my kindrede being of the same name, And then whoe shall soe descende to it Shall paye or Cause to bee payed towe hundred poundes unto they daughters of the saied Nichols Robinson & to the daughters of my eldest sonne if he hath anie equallye devided amongst them
And I ordayne & make Edwarde Robinson & Michaell Robinson my brethren, overseers of this my laste will and testament, beinge dated the fifte daye of June, in the yeares abovesd
I will that if anye of my Children shall happen to bee unable to … & get theire liveinge that then they shall bee kept by my executor theire partes beinge unpayed
Witnesses to this will
Thomas Wright minister
Robertt Hickling
Roger Goodwynns marke
Michaell Robinson
Edwarde Robinson his marke
Probate 25 September 1611