James Rouse of Stathern 1663 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1663
September 11th 1662
In the name of God Amen I James Rouse of Stathorne in the Countie of Leicester yeoman doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following vid
First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie God my Creator and Redeemer and my body to bee buried in the Church of Stathorne
It I give to my Granchild Jane Rouse my young Maire
It I give to the poore of Stathorne fourtie Shillings
It my will is that the hundred pound bond wherein my sonne Richard Rouse stands bound to my sonne Gregory Julian due Twelve monthes after my decease being mine to dispose of at my death, which bond I was to have kept as long as I liv’d and at my death to give it as I pleas’d this hundred pounds bond being wholly and entirely mine although it was made to my sonne Gregorie Julian, whome I did not question but I might have trusted, yet it was surreptitiously and clandestinely gotten from mee before my making of this my last will and testament And therefore I openly declare before these witnesses that my sonne Gregorie Julian hath noe right or due to any part of portion thereof I give and bequeath it in manner and forme following
First I give Twentie pounds of that bond to my Granchild Elizabeth Julian
It Ten pounds of that bond to my Granchild Gregorie Julian
It Ten pounds of that bond to my Granchild Richard Julian
It Ten pounds of the same bond to my Granchild William Julian all to bee paid them or securilie to be given for them when the bond is due and payable, my sonne Gregorie Julian cancelling and delivering the bond cancelled unto my sonne Richard Rouse, and if my sonne Gregorie Julian refuse to cancell the bond and restore it to my sonne Richard Rouse I declare and let all people know before these witnesses that the bond is voyd and of none effect and I doe remit and forgive unto my sonne Richard Rouse the hundred pounds and shall pay unto my sonne Gregorie Julians children noe Legacies at all neither to Elizabeth, Gregoire, Richard nor Willm because the bond was clandestinely gotten from me thinking to preiudice my sonne Richard Rouse my heire and Executor
The other fiftie pounds I give to my sonne Richard Rouses children at his ordering and disposeing
All the rest of my goods cattle and chattle moveable and immoveable my funerall charges being discharged I give unto my sonne Richard Rouse whome I make Executor of this my last will and testament
In witnesse whereof I have put to my hand and seale the day & yeare above written
The marke and seale of James Rouse
In the presence of
William Norwich
Roger Thrumpton
Probate 26 June 1663