Marjorie Rouse of Hose 1543 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1543/79
In noie dei amen the iiii daye of Februari In the yere of our lord god mcccccxliii I Margere Rowse of Hosse beyng hale of mynde & good remeberans make & ordayne thys my present testament & Laste Wyll in thys maner & forme foloyng
Fyrste I beqwede my sowlle to god & to our laday saynt Mary & to all the holy compeny of heven & my body to be beuryed in the parish chyrch of Saynt Mychale of Hosse
Also I beqwede to our laday of Leyn… iiiid
Also I beqwede to the hey auter xxd
Also I beqwede to every on of my chyllden chyllden xiid
Also beqwede to every on of my god chyllden iiiid
Also I beqwede to Jone my dowgter my best gyrdyll & my best chote
Also I beqwede to Ales my dowgter my beste bedd & all thyngs that … at the bedd & my best gowne
Also I beqwede to Annys Rowse my sonnys wyffe a joceytt chote
Allso I beqwede to Margett Rowse my sonnys wyffe a joceytt chote
Also I beqwede to Heleyn Rowse my sonnes wyffe my best pety chote
Also I beqwede to Annys Dyxsan a payre of hardyn schets & a chofer & a lytyll arke
Also beqwede to the parish chyrch of Hosse iiis iiiid
Also I beqwede to Gregori Rowse my son all the howyll … & all the tember of the howyll & charte & charte gayres for iiii horses & the shepfat & the … of the …
Also I beqwede to Thomas Rowse my son a wayne & gayres for iiii bests & ii … for a howyll
Roberth Rowse my son … … iiii marks & the sayd iiii marks shalld be payd to Gregori Rowse my sone & Thomas Rowse my sone
Also I beqwede to Gregori Rowse my son iii bests to shepe & the sayd Gregori Rowse shald kepe everi yere a yere daye so longe as he leyffyes for the sayd John Rowse & Margere Rowse & they to hawfe at the fyrst yere daye a durge & mase of requiem for the gud
To the resedew of all my goodds ungeyffyen & un beqwede I gyffe to Gregori Rowse my son & Thomas Rowse my son & the sayd goodds to be partyd eqaly between the sayd Gregori Rowse & Thomas Rowse the whyche Gregori Rowse & Thomas Rowse I make my full executors of thys my present testament & laste wyll the superwysor Wyllm Rowse
Wyttnes ther of Gregori Myller Antony Wade Roberth Lyttylldayke
Thys ys the invitare of all the goodds of Margere Rowse off Hosse made the xx daye of Februari in the yere of our lorde god mcccccxliii all the goodds that was Margere Rowse thay be preseyd by Antony Wade Roberth … Roberth Lytylldayk Rychard E…son
It a hose & mare & a fole | xxx li iiis iiiid |
It 1 ox | xxs |
It ii ewes | xiis |
It ii key | xxiiiis |
It whethe & rey haffe a qwerte | ixs |
It for ii quarte off payse | xiiis iiiid |
It wode | iiiis iiiid |
It … | xxd |
It paynnys & potts | xs |
It platers & a candellstycke | iis |
It iii schets | vs |
It on arke | xiid |
It a borde & forme | xd |
It the wayne & wayne gayeres & plowe & plow gayres | xxs |
It howyll teymber | vs |
It the crope off the gronde | xls |
It heynnys dockes | xiid |
It Roberth Rowse | iiii marke |
It rye sceppefat & heyre | iiis |
… total | xii li xvis viiid |