Robert Rouse of Scalford 1567 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/257/57
In the name of god amen the xxviith daye of October & in the fyrste yere of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lady quene Eliz &c I Robert Roose of Skalforde in the countie of Leicester husbandman do make & ordaine this my Laste will & testamente in maner and forme folowinge
Fyrste I bequeth my soule to allmightie god and my body to be buryed as nighe my wife as may be
Item I bequithe & will that all my goodes be devyded amonge my children by even & equall porcons and if any of my children dye I will that their porcons & partes remaine & be devyded to those that be alyve
Item I will that Nicholas Harby shall have my sonne deodatus and his parte and I allso ordaine and make myne executor the said Nicholas Harby and I do make my supervysor of this my will Thomas Musson and he to have for his paines iis
Theise beinge witnesses xpofer Bardsey clerke Thomas clerke Thomas Closse & Nicholas Harebye
Summa Inventarii xxiii li iis iiiid
Probate 14 January 1566/7