John Rowbotham of Plungar 1566 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/257
In the name of god amen the xxviii daye of Julye the yere of our lorde god 1565 & in the seventhe yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye quene Eliz etc I John Rowbothom of Plunger in the Countie of Leicester webster being sicke of bodye but hole of minde & in good & perfect remembrance thanks be to god make and ordaine this my present testament concerninge herein my last will in maner & forme folowinge that is to saye
Fyrste I Comende my soule to allmighte god my maker & Redemer & my bodye to be buryed in the parishe churche yearde of Plunger
& also I bequeath unto the mother churche of Lincoln iiiid
And I give unto Anne my dawghter a bedde that is to saye a matteres two payre of sheetes two coverlets two pillowes & a bolster
And I give unto William my sonne two payre of lowmes with all the geirs within my shoppe whiche appteynethe unto my occupacon
& I give unto my sonne Hewe a hecfer with calf
& I give to my two dawghters Margarett and Margerye a …ched Cowe betwene them
And the resydewe of my goods unbequiethed I give unto my wyf so longe as she dothe keep her self wydowe and if she do marrye she shall have the one half therof & the other half to be devyded amonge my childerne by even porcons
Also my detts beinge payde & thies my legacies performed I make & ordain Eliz my wyfe my full executrix and Alexander Flower the supervisor of this my laste will & testament desyringe him for the love of god to see my detts payde & theise my legacies performed & kepte he having for his paines taking xiid
In witnesse hereof John Blanckney John Coke thelder Alexander Flower & Thomas Weat
Probate 28 April 1566