Elianor Royall of Scalford 1737 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1737
In the name of God Amen I Elianor Royall of Scalford in the County of Leicester Widow being of Sound mind and memory (praised be Almighty God for the Same) and considering the uncertainty of this Life and the certainty of death do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to Say)
Impris I resign my Soul to God who gave it me and my Body I comitt to the earth to be decently buried att the discrecon of my Executors herein after named and as for my worldly Estate which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give devise and bequeath of the same as followes
Impris I give and bequeath to the Three Children of William Dodsley the younger of Stonesby in the Said County of Leicester Yeoman the Sum of Ten pounds a piece to be paid to them att their severall and respective ages of One and Twenty years and my Will and mind is that my Executors Shall place the Same out att Interest as Soon as they conveniently can after my decease the Said Interest and improvement I will that it shall be paid to their Father towards bringing them up and to pay for their Schooling But if any One or more of them dye before he she or they attain to their Severall and respective ages of One and Twenty years as aforesaid then my Will and mind is and I give the Legacy of him her or them so dying unto the Survivor or Survivors equally
Item I give an devise All that my Messuage Cottage or Tenement with the appurtenances Situate Standing and being in Scalford aforesaid wherein I now live unto William Dodsley and his Wife for during the Term of their Two natural lives and the life of the longer liver of them and from and after their decease and the decease of the Survivor of them then I give and devise the Said Messuage Cottage or Tenement with the appurts unto the Eldest Son of Thomas Cobley of Stonesby aforesaid and to his heirs and assignes for ever
Item I give and bequeath to the said William Dodsley and his Wife all my house hold Goods
Item I give and bequeath unto the Three younger Children of the said Thomas Cobley Ten pounds a piece to be paid to them att their Severall and respective ages of One and Twenty years and my Will and mind is that my Executors Shall place the same out att Interest as Soon as they conveniently can after my decease and I will that it shall be paid to their Father towards bringing them up And to pay for their schooling but if any one or more of them dye before he she or they attain to their severall and respective ages of One and Twenty years as aforesaid then my Will and mind is and I give the Legacy of him her or them so dying unto the Survivor or Survivors equally
Item I give and bequeath to the Minister and Church wardens of Scalford aforesaid and their Successors the Sum of Five pounds to be Putt out at Interest for the use of the Poor the Same Five pounds to continue as a Stock and the Interest to be yearly distributed amongst the Poor of Scalford aforesaid for ever
Item I give and devise to Mary Lee of Scalford aforesaid One Suit of my Ordinary Cloaths and a Hempen Shift and five Shillings in money
Item I give and bequeath to Leonard Burton of Melton Mowbray in the County of Leicester aforesaid victualler and to his Brother Nevel Burton of Teigh in the County of Rutland Gunsmith Five Shillings a piece
Item I give to Sarah and Mary Roberts of Scalford aforesaid five Shillings a piece
Item all the rest of my Goods Chattles Cattle and personal Estate whatsoever my debts Legacies & funerall expences being first paid and discharged I give and bequeath to John Reeve of Melton Mowbray aforesaid Gentleman and Robert Garton of Claxton als Long Clawson in the Said County of Leicester Gentleman whom I make joynt Executors of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills and Testaments by me made
But I will that my Executors or either of them shall not be lyable to answer or make good any Loss that shall happen by the failing of any Security that is or Shall be taken for any part of my Estate that is or shall be out att Interest but the same shall be the loss of my Legatees if any happen to be and that then my Executors shall and may abate defalk lessen and take off from the Legacies herein by me given to any person or persons whatsoever as they in their discrecon shall think fitt
In Witness whereof I the Said Elianor Royall the Testatrix to this my last Will and Testament have hereunto sett my hand and seal this Thirtieth day of October in the sixth year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King defender of the Faith &c Anno dni One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Two
Signum Elianoris Royall
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Elianor Royal the Testatrix for and as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who Subscribed our names as Witnesses in her presence
Thomas Roberts
Signum Willi Goodacre
Will Reeve
The within named Extors were sworn the 24th Oct 1737
Before me Greg: Henson Surrog: